Dance Chicago River North offers both art and culture

Dance Concert 2010 March St. - Louis Chicago River North

"A poem should not mean but be"

It is "art" if justified simply loved? Tons of people love Twilight, but I'm pretty sure they hate the English major or more serious writers across the country, or at least hate the success you get there, because each served its lowest form of art?

About a month before the Chicago River North Jazz Dance Company, has come to my city of Saint Louis. I had seen the runningonce before, and they were pretty amazing, so I had high hopes for the show. It 'started with a piece choreographed by Sherry Zunker, the choreography of a diverse career for everything from contemporary societies had cruise ships. The play was a good call-up call for the audience to dance with lots of dancers on stage together in a high-energy pop song.

I do not like, I would say simply "entertainment" as "art." Next was a structured improvisation solothat do not move much on stage, but was dynamic and surprising. I have a good grip dance "steps" and as I took it like a perfect quadruple pirouette in the middle, it seemed a lot more, I regret using the word banal to the biological rather than the choreography and it was only attractive.

The third piece was three men show strength, pace and versatility on the move almost primitive, loud music, taiko drum. This seems to be a big trend in jazzand contemporary societies, in those days. I do not know who was gifted, but my guess is maybe Alonzo King or Cedar Lake. I have a feeling that the public has had the obvious strength and stamina of men estimated, but perhaps the mostly elderly audience of a little 'uncomfortable Midwest.

In all honesty, at times the choreography was so stylized that even though I still look at it, with three men dressed in skimpy I was a bit 'recalls SNL parodyBeyonce "Single Ladies" video, in which Justin Timberlake and two other boys prance around in tights and heels imitation pop icon. The most beautiful choreography and dance, I had been seen in the past, "Forbidden Boundaries" choreographed by artistic director RNDC, Frank Chaves.

The game was three-set, opening with what I do best as "Tim Burton" feeling sad and scary to describe. The dancers have complicated collaborative duo with elastic tissue in some wayAttached to his otherwise very simple costume while sharing virtually no visual communication. For me, it seemed that each pair was representative of a single person struggling with their fears and limitations, is restrained (in this case, often with the substance). The second set was a trio of two men and a woman at any time between the two and was centered, upside down, handled through the fabric.

He had a touch of Cirque de Soleil antennas are not able to see"Gimmecky" or acrobatic. The three dancers got to see the fine lines, the lyrical quality of motion, strength and grace through the choreography and the unconventional use of props. The effect was startling. The third set ended the game and the first act with a sort of "battle" between pairs of comparison, more fluid dance-like feel of the second set with a more aggressive end, the dancers showed a solid jazz education. E 'was incredibly moving and ultimately empowering.End of Act One.

Begins the second act, the more mixed again over 60 residents of Saint Louis audiences in the bathroom and the curtain went for three other pieces on the bill. I think there is little to say about one of these three. The opening piece was danced well, very early, and had a very appropriate title, "Suppose'-aptly named, since I can only imagine what, if anything, it meant the choreographer (and if I do, I think probably wrong). The next piecewas a style of tango Pas de deux (dance for two). Very nice to see things as before. Closed piece: a large number of full fouettes Cuban dance team (the most common trick for the races), that I find exciting or even interesting. I would have preferred only the second song, third and fourth and called it a night.

Why was I took the best part, accessible to each other to pieces with a progression of inspiring people to us through a smoothin the end? It seemed kind of routine attempts by parents to slip vegetables in your children picky covering them with cheese or peanut butter. It 'really frustrating me, what should I communicative, technical, has found innovative and has not been submitted to take away the last impression from experience.

It seems to dance groups, shows a series of works in some, like a buffet, where the public can choose what to get smart. Some may be too analytical(Like me, sometimes to my detriment), or simply enjoy the pure fun factor. River North has an excellent working basis, a bit 'of everything and all was well danced. Everyone has the right to be their critic, and I'm firmly in my opinion, Twilight is poorly written, and fast food bad for you, and does not add much artistic fouettes. Feel free to disagree.

daddylittlegirls Lyrics Scar Tissue