Teach Me How to Rap

The purpose of this guide is to help teach you how to rap. Here's 5 solid tips to improve your rap skills.

1. Develop and memorize rhyme schemes. Rhymes are to rappers as chords are to musicians: the more your practice learning them, the better off you'll be. Amateurs worry about making words rhyme; experts focus on making the rhyme clever. Let's say you memorize five words that rhyme with "blue." Next time you freestyle and the word "blue" comes up, you already, with no thought at all, have five ways to complete your next line. This is black belt technique.

2. Freestyle with as many different people as possible. If you want to learn to rap at a high level quickly, expose yourself to as many different styles as possible. Try to rap with guys who talk smack one day, then get into a cypher that's more on a conscious tip. You'll be amazed at how many sides of your personality shine through.

4. Develop safe words, and change them often. Every beginner should have one safe word. No, I'm not talking S&M here, I'm referring to one word that you can say if you ever blank for a second. One that I used a lot was "lyrically." Whenever I had a brainfart in a freestyle, I always had the option of using that as my filler. Word to the wise: while repeating yourself is better than dropping the beat altogether, it's best to pass the mic quickly after.

5. Strengthen your voice with vocal exercises. There is no way around it: Without a strong voice, your rap will never sound real. After all, if you spit a verse about how you're the baddest mutha on the planet, well, you better sound like it!

6. Learn to rap like your favorite rapper. Learn a style from a master. Mimic their voice and rap with them. Once you feel like you sound like them, try to write a verse that follows their rhyme structures. You can tell a Method Man verse and a Twista verse apart on paper; their wordplay is as signature as their flow.

Master these six steps, and you're on your way!

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