Dirty South Beats Or Hip Hop Rapper - How to Become a Great Artist in Any Style and Get Signed

Rap is a type of hip-hop music that includes rhyme patterns, fast lyrics and verses that are spoken. Those who are considering becoming rappers have their work cut out for them. A famous rapper's life may include music videos, sold-out concerts, awards shows, red carpets, multi-platinum records and hot parties, but the average rapper puts in long hours, is unemployed for long periods of time between gigs, and experiences rejection.

There is great variation in the pay. A popular rapper earns $33 million. Your typical rapper earns slightly more than minimum wage.

Learn to Rap

Always make your words clear and concise and your rhymes clever and memorable, whether you are freestyling or rapping a song you composed.

At its heart, rap consists of beat and rhythm. It is possible to rap with or without music, but regardless of your choice, be sure that your words have a beat and flow to a rhythm. You can get the feel of rap music by listening to your favorite rap artists, noting their styles and how they keep the beat. It is possible to practice by singing along and noticing how the words fit with the music's beat.

Literary Components of Rap

Rap artists are the poets of their generation. You are able to use whatever poetic literary device you'd like, though the most obvious one to use is rhyme.

Rhyme scheme: A rhyme scheme is a rhyme arrangement or collection of rhymes, which repeats through the entire rap. Rap may include any kind of rhyme scheme, ranging from the most basic to the most complicated. Flow: It is important to keep track of your word flow. Each word must be spoken clearly and pronounced correctly.

Be aware of your rap's tempo, beat and melody.

Use things like alliteration, puns, consonance and assonance, or double entendres as word play. Think about adding allusions or metaphors and similes. Use creative storytelling to make your rap innovative and unique.

Subject Matter

Choose the kind of rap that you wish to write. Actually, you can rap about whatever you choose, but popular choices include: Gangsta rap, which encompasses gang violence, ghetto life, drugs, money and sex. This genre is used frequently.

Christian rap or rap with religious overtones. Entertainment type rap, like some of Will Smith's party songs. Romantic rap tales. Real-life troubles. Cultural identity themed raps as well as socio-political statement raps.
Cars, fashion trends, materialism, drinking and partying are other themes that are frequently used.

Compose a Rap Song

The most effective way of writing a rap song is to just start the process. Always have a notebook handy so that you can write down any ideas, rhymes or verses as you think of them.

As you compose rap music, select one topic or concept - then begin coming up with ideas. In order to ensure cohesion of your lyrics, select a rhyming scheme.

Work on your intro. Work on the chorus for the song. Compose as many verses as you feel are necessary for the song. A median amount would be 2 - 3.

Tally up the syllables per line. Ideally, every line ought to include an identical syllable count to produce a good beat.

Come up with something different. Attempt to make multi-syllabic rhyme schemes, which are termed "multis". Acquire mastery of rap with rhyme and use of figurative language. Come up with a cool rap name that goes well with your personality.

Produce a CD to serve as your demo. Perform live to showcase your talent and build a base of fans. Getting radio stations and online communities to play your music will help generate buzz. Distribute your music via the Internet as well as in stores.

Get a reputable agent. If you impress an A&R exec you might wind up with a recording contract.

Develop Your Rap Persona

Showing the proper persona and stage presence plays a big role in being a rapper. Along with your rapping skills, this is going to be what attracts audience to your songs.

Your Rap Name

The majority of rappers alter their name to show their own personality and rap style. And so your name is not problematic at your next rap battle, here are a couple of tips: Do not try too hard. Your name should be something that does not require a lot of effort.

Pick a name that has edge but is also catchy sounding. Try not to pick a lame gimmick, and don't name yourself after immature puns or famous criminals.

The Proper Attitude and Style

You will need to have the proper attitude and style, so be sure to represent yourself knowing that rap belongs in hip-hop culture. Everything about you will be scrutinized, including your clothing, hair and makeup. Your personality should be reflected by your look. Select the elements that work best for you, and perhaps you can come up with some trademarks of your own.

Familiarize yourself with the latest hip-hop trends. Television is another option. Displaying a lot of hip-hop styles, award shows are good places to study the wardrobe of your most adored rap artists.

Browse magazines.

Tommy Hilfiger, Boss, Rocawear, Baby Phat, Fubu, Lacoste, Phat Farm and Sean Jean are some clothing brands that rappers frequently wear.

Show off a lot of bling. Accessories that utilize diamonds, gold, or platinum are considered status symbols. You can use jewelry such as: rope or chain necklaces, medallions, belly chains and rings, tooth caps or grills, rings, and brass (or gold, or platinum) knuckles.

Get in plenty of practice!

The process of making a demo must be understood. Either using background beats or not, make a live recording of yourself rapping. A great beat will make you instantly sound like a major artist and you will stand out from the crowd.

Blend. Make adjustments to your sound and tone, volume, vocal parts, as well as background. It is also possible to add sound effects and blend the tracks (e.g., the vocal track, or the instrumental track) together.

Lead off with the song you think is tops. If the first rap does not hook the listener, most likely they will not listen to the rest of the demo. Be sure your contact information and your name are on your CD label. Make sure you only have no more than four tracks at one particular time.

Submit a Rap Demo

You will have to submit a demo in order to book a gig, obtain representation, or land a record deal. You need to add a press package besides your CD. There should be an 8x10 photo in your press kit. Your personal style will come in handy here. Be sure that you are presenting yourself the way you want to be seen during your career as a rapper.

A short bio.

A short summary that talks about your fan base, lists your accomplishments (for instance, if you won "Atlanta Rapper of the Year"), and lists the places in which you have performed. Press notices along with summaries. Reviews or articles can be included with press clippings.

Perform Live

Besides building up your confidence, performing live will increase your fan base and elevate your street credibility.


It is not always easy to find paying jobs, but you can get lots of exposure, money and fans by rapping at an event or emceeing at a club.

Select local venues. Get in touch with the booking agent.

Market yourself to the booking agent. Discuss your style, your fan base (who will you draw to the venue) and your pay. Send them your demo and press package.

Remember to include contact details!

Check and see if any type of recording device is present for your performance. This will provide you with the opportunity to see how you perform live so that you can improve your show accordingly. And you can always put it on YouTube if it's good.

Start to generate buzz!

Right now is the best time to put yourself out there and get exposure. Take advantage of YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, Bebo and Twitter. Begin blogging and send out tweets on your next play dates and upload your songs.

Do as many live performances as possible; go to rap events and win those rap battles. Make an attempt to have your songs played on the radio. Look for radio stations in your area that play rap or hip-hop music. Hand out your press kit, and include a CD of your best song.

After your music gets picked up by a station, ask everyone you know to put in requests to play it. Remember to tap into Internet radio. You can send a digital version of your press kit, along with an MP3 via email, instead of submitting an actual CD.

Try to get local stores to sell or play your music. Market CD's and digital formats online. Your live shows are also great for selling CD's.

Obtain Representation

Having agents, managers, and legal representation will help advance your career. They will sign you up for publicity opportunities and gigs when they take over the business side of things. Do your homework regarding various companies. Look at other artists and see what they have done for them.

Decide whether you prefer a large agency or a lesser outfit.
While big agencies may have a well-known name, smaller agencies are more likely to concentrate on you and your success.

Obtain a Record Deal

Record labels prefer the total package. Everything is important -- your look, your attitude, your personality, your ability to attract fans, record sales potential, performance ability, and getting that smash hit.

Request a meeting with an A&R executive be set up by your representative.

The label needs to be researched. Learn if unsolicited material is okay with them, if they are interested in your kind of music, and the name of the person responsible for demos.

If the label normally rejects unsolicited material, get in touch with the executive of A&R for an exception by emailing, phoning or mailing a letter. Always be ready to rap right then and there.

You may be fortunate to earn a recording contract. If not, pick yourself up and move on to the next label to try your luck.


Putting in loads of hard labor may get you to be the next Eminem, Lil Wayne, Diddy or Kanye West. Once you become a successful dirty south beats or hip hop rapper, perhaps you will do what many other great music artists do and become an actor or create your own line of clothing!

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