Hip Hop - Gangster Rap

It was not too long ago that hip hop in the Bronx in the mid-seventies created. At its inception, hip-hop was nothing more than a positive way to get your feelings on a platform that would be heard around the country, and in some cases, the whole world expressed. Hip-hop, even though it was an aggressive stigma to be feared, because they usually have a teenager than a bunch of fun and express yourself well regarded. If it is not known for the music and the movement as a hip-hop, an entire generationFeelings and beliefs were, without being heard pass. While the hip-hop for the most part been positive, educational and self-empowerment on the east coast, there was a group of youths on the West Coast who felt their struggles and views are required to be expressed.

Although the news that they were relaying on the West Coast was not one that ever had the shape of the hip-hop in the sense of fit that they are still a form of self-presentation was positive. The two pioneers of hip-hop inthe West Coast were a rapper named Ice-T and a group called NWA! Their version of hip-hop was very abrasive and vulgar but showed no remorse. The point she was trying to prove that hip hop is much like all other forms of art, usually a reflection of the surroundings, the artist lives in. They claimed that if her father was not a part of your life and Her mother was addicted to drugs, which would turn your reality is certainly different, then, that a person whocame from a better environment.

What were once known as a peaceful movement was now very threatening, it is in power. Politicians and police began fighting to have to put the music shelves and canceled the concerts in this controversial artist. At this point in time in America, gang violence and police brutality were a big media company. Hip-hop artists began to violent music calling for the killing of police officers and to create about the shooting of another, we talkednot a part of their special ties. Hip-Hop, as we knew it had taken a drastic change and to make matters worse, the music, it was controversial from the west coast was now the most popular form of hip-hop. It would be titled "Gangsta Rap" due to the fact that those who performed them were either in a gang affiliated with gangs or knocked on gangs.

Although many of us are not fans of this aspect of hip-hop that does not change the fact that this music is here to stay. We mustFace the fact that not only hip hop created to allow all to express their views (no matter how rude or violent they may be), but also created America freedom of speech for this very reason. Whether you view as a dangerous gangster rap or in addition to the hip-hop movement is the fact that record sales say it all.

Final Act