Proper Bird Care

Most of us probably remember Tweety Bird growing up. With his disproportionately large head and equally small wings, he entertained with his many episodes, involving highly dangerous and complex interactions with Slyvers the cat. "I taut I taw one puddy tat!" is probably a much quoted reference to his scintillating moments.

Given his charismatic qualities, it can consider a rewarding endeavor of its nature from the perspective of reality: the fact that he is a birdand what that means bird owners around the world. For bird owners, Tweety has a special place in our hearts. He recalls the care that he needs to ensure that the bird healthy and happy for the duration of his life.

For those who are not familiar with the proper care and think of a bird on the purchase, it is important to keep a few things in mind.

· The Cage - When buying a cage, make sure that the cage is large enough to offersufficient exercise for your bird. The largest dimension should be in terms of length and width, height. How big or how small the cage should be is a function of how much time the bird spends in its cage. The more time she spends there, the bigger the cage should be and vice versa. The cage should be with perches in different sizes, so that the bird can perceive correctly his feet to be safe.

· Food - Fresh seed mix should not be more than 20% of itsFood source. The seeds are high in both protein and fat content, slightly more than 1 / 5 the energy would be unhealthy for the bird. Vegetables and fruits should be the other 80%. Do not feed on your pet. This will put unnecessary stress on the birds bone structure.

· Keep your bird away from common household dangers. These dogs and cats, plants, colors, ceiling fans, vacuum cleaners, and toilet are open basin. Birds often unwittingly find themselves incompromising situations, facing in which these household items.

It is important that your bird to take to get regular check-ups at the local vet clinic. Trained specialists can often detect serious illness before they arrive and save you mental, physical and financial headaches in the future.

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