Learn to Freestyle Rap With Four Easy Tips

Freestyle rap is definitely an art, and like all art, it is something you learn when you practice hard enough. Here are some tips to help you develop your freestyle:

1. Look up I know this may sound a little strange, but it works. Here's why: When you are on, you will access to two parts of your brain, memory and creativity. Police interrogators have known this for years, if someone looks up, and) their rights (to access their creative side, they arelie if they are to seek and to their left (the memory side) they are telling the truth. How does rapper? Simple, look up and to the two sides. This will help you in words (by clicking) on the left side and be more creative (with a view to the right). I have this simple exercise with a group of students and was on the instant change in their ability to surprise. The clear and original ...

2. Do not give up. If in the middle of a freestyle, do not forget:It is better to have a line that do not spit no rhyme than to slip and drop the freestyle. you can always save a next in the line. For example, one might say, "on a mic I'm known for the dopest uh. / Spit Wicked Sick lyrics Rock (..) like the plague. And it is undeniable that the ability is represented here." By changing the rhyme scheme you can actually get more people interested. Think of a freestyle like driving a car, it's more exciting when it twists androtates. Throwing people off guard, and they will respond.

3. Select from the room. There are times when you run from things to say. This happens to us all, but veterans know how to keep it going: Keep your eyes open, select an object and try to describe it. This will usually buy a few seconds, and you can come to assume a new topic or a series of rhymes in your freestyle.

4. Know passed when too. This is the best advice I can give! Think keep you in mind:Freestyles under one minute and try to pass on a good line, instead of only until such time as keeping your run out of stuff. This will keep the crowd (and other MC's) in what you say, and much more fun for everyone.

Best of luck!

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