Mastermind Groups in the 21 Century

The mastermind principle, as is originally conceived by Napoleon Hill, is about the power of a "third mind" made possible through a regular collaboration.

That's when a small group of co-equal colleagues and contemporaries share experiences and insights to create "aha" moments for each of them.

In a real mastermind group, there is no professional organizer. There are no gurus as experts.

And no one will pay someone for advice, group management orRelief.

In a real mastermind group makes it easy with a few of your colleagues, other people that you know how to respect, trust and whose opinions you. Simply peers without an ax to grind and sell anything, lie only with your best interests at heart.

That's right - not professional presenters and organizers are not obliged to make a successful and sustainable group that meets regularly over the years, have. You need to get a tried and true process, an evolving program, and simple management tools.More about that in a minute.

Many of the Mastermind groups are the old-fashioned face-to-face variety, such as that famous Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone has become almost a century ago.

Just imagine if you could together a group of peers, the people in your industry that are far beyond the confines of your (and) the traditional areas of marketing - you can all the advantages that by sharing experiences with people who know what you want to come toknow. People whose findings are directly relevant to you. And since you are no direct competitors, there is never afraid of giving away your secrets.

Today, cheap long distance calls, instant online webinar services of Yahoo! Groups can your meetings more effective than the old-fashioned face-to-face variety. No time and money wasted way to and from the meetings and the ability to work with the other members of your party 24 / 7 - combined with the speed of businesstoday.

You can get together in person by train - this is what your association for the meetings.

With the simple techniques that I later in my report I Founded mastermind group and participated in several peer-to-Peer Mastermind groups are respected.

I personally use a telephone conference service that each member of my group makes it possible to call a central number and connect via a bridge line. Nothing special about that. Except with the service we use when one of us not in a position tothere are the call can be instantly recorded and do for the missing member - at no extra charge, and nothing, but simply the "Record" button.

Recently, it was by the members from the country during the holidays. He was able to to log the call via the Internet and participate in the live simulcast of the meeting. No extra charge for this either.

And the use of our Yahoo! Group, we have confidential documents can be shared among the six of us. In addition, we can add a calendar ofupcoming meetings, keep in mind who is responsible for the next meeting would be discussed Post links to resources, an overview of our normal agenda, and memories for each other, he used some of the time consuming activities required to keep to a lively and productive mastermind group .

A few years ago, I suggested that several entrepreneurs from across North America, the members of the same club that they create a mastermind on the phone to continue a discussion we hadmeet at their annual meeting.

That was a dozen years ago, it was still twice a month together to share strategies, insights from their experiences and support each other.

If it is currently possible, would Napoleon Hill that type of Mastermind Group has created. Imagine how much more Harvey Firestone, Thomas Edison, could President Harding, and Henry Ford have achieved if they the tools available to you during the day?
