Super Are

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Super AreSuper Are

List Price: $14.98
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Super Are Product Description
2000 reissue of 1998's release from one of the leaders of Japan's wave of noise bands. Very rhythmic and spacey. 2001 release.

Super Are Specifications
The Boredoms are a notorious Japanese rock group with an over-the-top, in-your-face artistic approach that is both ferocious and awe-inspiring. On its 10th full-length album, the Osaka-based ensemble exudes a sonic collage of trance-inducing drones, power-chord riffs, and enthusiastic jamming. While hyperkinetic frontman Yamatska Eye leads the Boredoms through seven extremely long compositions, this disc is rarely boring. On the opening song, "Super You," they embrace traditional rock structures with galloping drums and reverberating guitars that eventually melt into tribal-like chants and surreal studio effects. By combining their high-energy approach with sophisticated recording techniques, the Boredoms create a psychedelic milieu that celebrates unorthodox musicianship, instrumental excess, and raw energy. This is aggressive, contemporary rock music without the pretentious trappings of heavy metal or punk. --Mitch Meyers
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Super Are

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