Mainstream News Treats housing crisis as entertainment

The news that% of homeowners with a mortgage to be late 9, is in their monthly payments or in foreclosure, the public seems to have a clear silence of the media. This is a record and an indication that the collapse of the housing market has just hit the stairs to lead, rather than start looking for a plan or to recover. But on the scale of financial disaster, people have apparently decided that these messages do not even rate.

Perhaps thereNo more meters financial disaster in public, because almost all of this kind of business news television cultural collapse is filtered through our own. Nine percent of the homeowner's foreclosure is so out of context, which is completely useless for most of the news-watching public. If you are unable to estimate how this number, because it is nothing similar to compare the information that is irrelevant and only sound samples.

PreclusionThe high prices. McCain gets the woman as VP. A few words from our sponsors. local murder. Obama says something about faith. A few words from many of our sponsors. Cubs lose. Olympics ended. A few words from our favorite businesses. The weather is beautiful after the rain tomorrow night. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, saved. CSI progresses. Enjoy our evening entertainment lineup Thursday.

What is the connection between all this information? And why should people careForeclosure rates more than the latest Pepsi advertisement, or the fact that the Olympics are finished look? Most people are just watching the news to provide them with repeated examples of good work the next morning when a semi-informed debate takes place randomly.

In fact, the way in which our media have reported information, nothing, everything else is connected. All stories shown on television again in nothing more than a political slogancontinuous stream of data presented as entertainment news too.

And no one should have the rate of foreclosure when the vehicles are sold with 0% financing to rest every few minutes. Financial Armageddon is bad, but if it's presented as entertainment and psychologically rewarding interspersed with commercials, then it is useless at best and worst in fact encouraging.

In fact, the television, so insulting to the intelligence ofaverage person, that people simply back down to ground level and reduced all the tests, critical thinking or analysis. If you read every few sentences I added some nice word of Gateway computer or to stop many people, I believe, be distracted or even hopelessly schizophrenic. But that is exactly how television makes it all irrelevant posts.

The ability of people to be seen is the collapse of our economy and financial system, it iscannot for years, that their intelligence is reduced to the level of television that she probably does not matter even if the system collapses. Until the machine that offers ideas and their conversation did not stop, who have confidence in their distractions unrelated.

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