2010 Taurus

Toro uses all the senses. Memories are made of sights, sounds, smells and comfort. The scent of money preferred over all others and the sound of Cha-Ching is music to the ears. Sensual by nature, enthusiastic about the bull in the luxury of the body, creams, lotions and quality materials, all bull tickle touch.

The food is also a real source of pleasure. He or she can be an excellent cook, rather than the head of its type in short order. Enticing aromas come from a bullKitchen, and here you can kiss, for which the chef comes with the territory. Taurus is licking her fingers while cooking or taste. Ugh, you say, if so, you're not big time. The results are culinary treasures for the palate.

Toro also has the green thumb and is digging into the earth to be, planting flowers, trees and other beautiful living things green. He or she knows instinctively when to plant, prune and sit down. In reality, the Bull, if the opportunity and afavorite chair will enjoy watching the scenery. Sometimes going from a chair on the couch all the energy, the Taurus is capable of lifting.

If you have a respect for their bull have love, there are a lot of them. Order jewelry and objects that illuminate the meaning and the two of you live happily ever after.

Sky Watch: Mercury comes out of her dance back on May 12 Take the exit to the last days of the cycle of a task or plan to return. second chance situationsare what I'm talking about. Travel should be fewer delays and interruptions, cross your fingers that everyone will remember to be repaired, replaced, he said. Good news pick up speed, be there to welcome him.

Aries (March 21-April 20) - Aries can be negotiated to increase its resources, if so, the expected results on the 12th. This opportunity came before-Seize the Day is the best advice. Dealing with home and family in the 20th, the money canthe answer to all questions are. Cosmic Note: A young woman is, in essence, a challenge that continues until early June. nip things in the bud to avoid an emotional hangover.

Taurus (April 21-May 20) - Toro should have used the retrograde sense, talk to your watch and listen to others. To promote the beauty of art and the finer rewards of life revealed. Perhaps you tried to promote the good life and good health. Your personalThe funds may be spent on items or projects that personal donations. Go in the community after 20 to seek financing or beauty that is already breathing on display. Cosmic Note: The beauty in your garden to plant a tree.

Gemini (May 20-June 21.) - Gemini has taken more than its share of secrets and opinions. After the arrest of Mercury, Dancing with the Stars, you ready to stand on your soap box, but not so quick to use this time to practice the clarity, what to say.You're on your own after being 10th in June to talk about talk. Cosmic Note: It takes money, yes, a lot of money ... smells familiar tune from the truth in your world.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) - life or the last - The cancer has been in this situation. This place, real or myth, is the abode of dreams and goals. Reverse Mercury asks you to think about re-inventing, Replay or start your long term dreams. This is the stuff of benefits and awards. CosmicNote: The love is with you, under the guise, but recently - after 20 Love yourself first, then you can focus on loving someone special.

Leo (July 23 to August 22) - Leo will remain driven, full of its own fire, that drives you on the road with intensity and determination. Get the kite string and enjoy the ride. Career or profession has been retrograde in the roof, were you asked for something in return for any reason, and perhaps a previous position or a she refused torejected or withdrawn by the waves with the new promise. Cosmic Note: Payment can not be right now, but do not worry, it will change little star.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22) - Virgin remains cautious and a bit 'under the weather. Football feeling naked in public is to end in a few months. Now you understand the restrictions imposed upon you in recent years. Each test, because it was like testing has helped to put on the right track, is likely toconfident of the road, what you need, etc. Cosmic Advice: You have discussed the travel plans, the return to a place you have, there is comfort in these return visits. His health improves when you're there.

Libra (September 23 to October 22) scale, the result of retrograde includes the resources of others. If you have a joint account, which would be forced to reduce all natural, it's your partner, the insurance money, inheritance, and everything else. You are on the protectionstop daily bumpy ride through life in a worrying way when the lights are off. Travel can teach or seek a higher power to bring all these sweet satisfaction: Cosmic Consulting.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21) Scorpio, this retrograde or the person he or she most wants to be always in with a spent misunderstood. It asks that one-on-one knew he had settings repetition and redundancy. The good news is that this cycle will end on 10 l '. It may take a little 'rest, butIt is good. Cosmic Advice: The money can be held together the core of the conflict was. Take the money and leave the city.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21), the shooter with boring repetition in the face of daily tasks. But how boring is that? The no-fence Sadge is about the same-the same quality of life did. After 10 and can sort out your tongue and say what's really on your mind. Cosmic Note: Love is the answer in May bliss.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)Capricorn can be overlooked for an award or praise can be slipped over the laborious Cappy. Do not worry, this retrograde second chance should have been at least a pat on the back. Watch for this after 10. Cosmic materialization Note: There are many good days ahead for the month of May. The trip is limited, but that does not mean that you will enjoy the sweet things of everyday life.

Aquarius (January 10 to February 18) Aquarius can have an opportunity to repeatHome or with family. You may have used a work around here at the ranch or a plan for the renewal for the future. After 10, you can go ahead. Cosmic Note: Due prizes, awards, cash awards, opportunities for all or a. Be there when your ship arrives.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) of fish was again the same message. The question is what kind of news, good or bad. Back and forth with the same questions and answersto work. After May 10th you should find it easier communication and resolutions have failed. Cosmic Note: Home is where your heart is there with young people who love you.

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