The Year of the Tiger - Forecast for 2010

How is the turning point Tigers to you and what you can do to ensure you prosper this year?

Every culture has a form of astrology, numerology and divination. Over the centuries, the collection of data and compares them with the results - developing systems that will be offered a degree of reliability. If not - would not be eagerly followed by millions today. systems together and find an image with which you can work.

Think of energy as a weather forecast - rainSnow influence the day - or a week, is not it? influence in the same way the travel patterns of constant energy in your life moods and perspectives. If you think this trend is true, because it is feared - as the economic downturn - you do it right for you act from fear. The truth is - many goods made in times of recession. It 's all in your interpretation.

The challenge of interpretation.
If you plan to read it feared the worst and expect it and use - to demonstrate the correctness of yourAnxiety or negative. The same applies if you know what works for you will find signs lead to success - and doing Proposals - the search for solutions. No wonder you swear to the accuracy of the system.

"We both make us unhappy
or we become happy.
The amount of work is the same. "

-Carlos Castaneda

The Year of the Tiger
The Chinese lunar calendar and its horoscopes are divided into twelveCycles, each with their animal. 2010 is the Year of the Tiger with effect from 14 until 4 February 2010 in February 2011.

As the houses of the zodiac in western astrology, you call the animals Chinese astrology, personality traits of individuals. Each sign rules a year and the impact of world events in his year.

The Metal Tiger year Quick Recap
Swift, passionate and dynamic - 2010 promises big changes around the world. Tiger yearsare turbulent minds and flare. They expect to be rewarded for a year, where the power (knowledge and planning) and response speed (ability). Define your life purpose and your passion will lead you in a year of positive change. Plan and stems of unabated success. Injustice will be done right. Integrity, passion and human dignity are the key words in 2010. The tiger is the king or queen of the jungle (the lion in Western culture) and provides the leadership and leaders, and your interiorAuthority.

The Metal Tiger Year: golden ruler.
Gold refers to the metal and money, and some say 2,010 years is a golden tiger. Abundance and wealth are the natural right of kings and queens, in authority and leadership. For some, passion and money combine signals easily - in another case.

The economy and stock
Are you an entrepreneur or a day trader options - the volatility this year could be the way to open dialogueActivities. Buy for the long-term investor, the same golden rule: the cheap and sell high. The decline is a good chance to buy ... You know what to buy now? Look for solid companies will pay a dividend. invest Second rule: money and the money hours later. No dividend Chase - solid companies pay to see a good return. Follow global trends and invest in companies based in the world - particularly India and China. Think globally and buy locally: buy stocks that will grow withThe new global markets.

Partnerships at home and work
Take time to relax and slow down. A tiger volatile energy minds this year wearing thin. A brief pause, the angry disappointment with questions just everywhere. Take a break and refresh themselves before blaming others for your stress. The good news is your sex life will be permeated with your partner and passion together. One thing that is not the year of the tiger is boring!

"Thorough preparation makes itshappiness. "
Joe Foyer

2010 is a powerful force for radical change in life.
Tigers are methodical and plans for future rewards greatly. think long term and consider the commitment of key decisions such as education, job changes, marriage, or relocation. Start your time with a written and practical goal-line. Make a commitment and energy use this year to start a career or a success story.

"If your life ever be better again, you haveRisks.
There is simply no way to grow without the opportunity.
You have the opportunity to improve themselves. Just think Taking Chances. "

Make the most of Tiger's Metal.
If you resist change and try to maintain the familiarity of the past, it will be less secure. Things change and deny the change leaves you unprepared to land on his feet. to force the opposition to the inevitable, it seems a comfortable vacationLifestyle and enter the unknown. Why not change as a constant search for new opportunities? If you hold and fear of problems that are sure to find it.

How will this year?
How is compatible with the dynamic changes - and avoid the downward trend? There is an idea of how this year's "energy" to do the best for you?

Positive trends: bold actions, integrity and honesty will be rewarded - or else! Zero tolerance for fraud.positive expectations of good results and the energy is available to take a risk. to support cooperation and friendly matches, good communication and warm relations changes. A year of being independent and changeable.

negative trends: trade tempered, rude and inconsiderate people authority to create havoc. Moody and withdrawal of dialogue disturb relations, the behavior of the predator between the poor and disadvantaged - are exposed, and conflicts with radicalAuthority to disturb the peace.

The number 3 and the Empress (Tarot) in the year of the Tiger
The tiger is the third swings characters and so the number 3 in numerology esoteric 2010 becomes 2 +1 = 3 years in total. The Tarot is the Empress of the third card in the Major Arcana (School of wisdom teachings, the path to enlightenment.)

A manifesto 3 years bringing new creations to life.
The number 3 refers to the development, growth and development of internalVisions. It 'a year of expression or manifestation of your inner thoughts (unconscious) and desires. In three years shows that hope from two years earlier. You learn to express with your inner life (mean subconscious) - in the world. Only ideas that you want to experience - in the three years leading ideas into the event.

"As a general rule, is the most successful man in life, the man who has the best information."
-Benjamin Disraeli

TheEmpress (Tarot) The Year of the Tiger
The Empress is the archetype of Mother Earth and all the riches from the earth - all - minerals, oil, gas, trees, soil, water, food ... life. The Empress brings balance and stability in your life. Create now, as it rises - how it works:

creative energy is not to create the world they live or want to try the person who wants to be yours, because they live in a world that loves and she is the person whowant to be.

Now with this creative force through the life of your vision in September Whether and love and expand it. It creates a lot of life in all its forms - through you, like you.

This year, female, or Yin and represents the power of writing is for you (it does not (Yang to get), but there were possible for him.) Need to create something new - beginning a new chapter in your life . Tap your creative potential to touch and fears with EFT - Energy balance. AllowYour new creation to grow into being I would like you to keep a plant which grows a tree.

Enjoy the richness of nature and the natural world. Will enjoy the beauty restore the connection to the Life Force.

Summary of the empress in a tiger year.
Compassion, care and tolerance are the watchwords in 2010. This is the antidote to the hardness of one year Tiger. Years Empress is seeded with ideas. New life and opportunities to grow around you. Frequency andFertility comes from you and then grow into being. Pay attention to nature and create in this way - and good crops are assured. Tap the fear and open to new situations, people and possibilities. Ground your energy, as if "digging in the ground" and to take time off to renew and restore. Create beauty and joy every day. Live the life of the king or queen.

"We are more willing to what out of us believe what's inside?"
Stuart Avery Gold,"Ping"

Find the answers you can trust.
Search for answers outside your own is like trying your health in a pill, or your wealth in the next hot new thing. Apart from the promoters - not a great success, right?

If you really want, exactly where will be next year - you know for sure the math - can be expected. Take a look at last year and compare where you are now. Anything else? Want something more? Take a very practical, common sense decisionabout where you want to end up and what must change. Act and do it. If you do not know how - learn EFT and tapping to remove blocks in your energy field and then type your vision.

"Progress begins with the conviction
that what is necessary, possible. "
-Norman Cousins

No mother, who says the "astrology" or your Psychic - Conclusion: You are the center of your world and you are the attraction of them all together. Once you are aware of that - onlyYou can easily change your experience. After changing his attitude in relation to any argument - you can change your life.

Nothing is outside of you for you. You choose - it can be expected. No other. Energy use in 2010 to motivate and inspire powerful change. Take inspired action. Living the dream.

Quick Good Fortune: "Comfort is your biggest obstacle now. Discard changes - and ignores the future comfort.
