Hijack (2008) Film Details - News and gossip

Presented by Eros Entertainment, ad filmmaker Kunal Shivdasani debut feature film Hijack, shiney Ahuja and Lara Dutta is ready for release on September 5. Produced by Kunal Shivdasani and Dinesh Vijana of Aley Motion Magic - Hijack is a fast action thriller tight with some unusual mid-air action and stunts by Allan Amin.

Hijack is the incident in Kandahar in 1999. "A film like Hijack should be seen by people to understand how they react whencaught in the middle of a real life kidnapping. It can happen to anyone. Moreover, Hijack must speak not only of terrorism. It 'a film about love and relationships, too, "says the actor. He also announced its Tranining especially for the film program. According to him:" I had to work too much on my arms. I was hanging from a helicopter for about seven days. You must be really strong arms and shoulders can. So I trained a lot for my shoulders, arms, and upper and lower back. Ittakes a toll on your lower back as well. "

Ahuja Hijack description of the shows that terrorism can not work until a permanent theme in Hindi cinema. But until a new text reproduces the film industry, the rules of terrorism.

The new girl shiney Ahuja Hijack Promos arms dance Kaveri Jha. An aspiring beauty queen for a few years ago, is a popular and busy actress Kaveri in the south. In Hijack, Kaveri woman plays her Bollywood debut shiney, a fundmaintenance officer at Chandigarh airport. Esha Deol plays a stewardess, the shiney save his daughter, who helps in a hijacked plane.
