Virgo Horoscope for staff in April 2010

The great news is that Virgin Saturn moves into your sign again. It 's your sign last fall, but on April 7, returns - and will remain here until July 21.

This means that the old work to be returned. He thought it was done and dusted, but there are still details to be processed. And I speak not only of your career. With regard to the report, you must make sure that everything is OK, that there is no possibility ofMisunderstanding. This means that if you have been unfair to have someone in the past, you will have a chance to make amends.

On another note Virgoans have a chance in the world in a new way of seeing. This is because, on April 3 Mercury, the planet moves the decision in Taurus. For the rest of the month you get more become spiritual, and you will not be dazzled by surface appearances. In these circumstances, we recommend a break from the small things of everyday life. ExitInternet and gossip and celebrity culture. You will find something that is more in line with your destiny.

And while you're there, you develop plans vacation - even if not traveling until summer. Ideally, you should go somewhere that puts you in touch with nature.

Getting Started on the specificity of months, on 4 and 5 April Mercury makes a stressful aspect to Mars 90 degrees. I fear this means that the Easter holidays can not bemuch of a break. Could be a lot of trouble, and you and your family can have differences of opinion. Then try to be so tolerant and accommodating as possible!

In April progresses, the overall situation will be easy, especially with regard to your love life. Venus is moving at a good aspect to Jupiter, and relations began to improve so great. Ideally, but you and your partner is not the usual way of doing things to be happy, and things to a newDirection.

17 or April 18 Mercury starts going backwards. As a result there is a feeling that you take a step back from what you are doing, you may need.

If it is wise to be careful you do not want to overdo it. Since the last five days in the month of April, the twenty-fifth are excellent. Romance will bloom, and regarding the career and the companies can make some excellent contacts.
