News on Michael Jackson's nose

According to a document that Michael Jackson had a prosthetic nose. The nose prosthesis was as absent from his face as his body lay in a mortuary in Los Angeles, California, he noted.

A small black hole surrounded by pieces of cartilage left behind after reports of eyewitnesses who saw the body of the King of Pop as he lay on the dissecting table. The prosthetic nose worn by Michael Jackson because he was very shy appearance, the effect of masking a wealthplastic surgery.

Some say that Michael Jackson has gone through too many sessions could nose-job, and the public after many plastic surgeons. The nose seems more broken than ever to evolve over time, even if stated in accordance with the use of surgical masks in the recent past.

Many plastic surgeons say it is dangerous to go back and work on the nose of Michael Jackson, and it would be hard to finda plastic surgeon for the next round.

It 'been noticed by many surgeons, that every person who passes through a nose correction, which reduces blood flow to the region and the risks of infection and scarring. It was thought that finally the nose why, how, considering each transaction was increased risks assumed was probably his best interests.

Most people who go through plastic surgery for nose jobs do not look like Michael Jackson with the results,but it is believed to have had at least five jobs and went to some form of complication during each operation.

Plastic surgeons have studied the photos, saying it was more like 30 or 40 operations were performed.

If the entertainer WAS ordered to remove the surgical mask in a courtroom session that caused a stir and prompted the appearance of multiple impacts from the public and fans who were present that day.

The goal was, it was Michael Jackson changeshis flat, broad nose Afro-American over a Caucasian nose. If the credit was given to Michael for the success of plastic surgery, was used as a warning to us all - not too far to go in plastic surgery!

The last speech of Michael Jackson had his nose was a surgeon from Germany who decided to repair the nose in progress. The intervention of the participation of ear nose was done in place, and the surgeon said it was well after the operation, but closeCollapse after twenty years of plastic surgery.

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