Jim Morrison, of The Doors, Strange and Controversial Death

Jim Morrison was born James Douglas Morrison on December 8, 1943, in Melbourne, Florida. His father was an Admiral in the United States Navy. His family moved around due to his father's job and position in the Navy. Morrison's father was a strict authoritarian figure. Perhaps this had an influence on Jim Morrison's rebellion that he reflected later in his music. Jim Morrison attended St. Petersburg Junior College and Florida State University, both for a year. Morrison then moved to the West Coast to study film and theater at UCLA in 1964.

He became obsessed with the poetry of William Blake and the writings of philosopher Frederich Nietzsche. He gradually lost interest in school and drifted away to finally write his own poetry. Morrison soon began experimenting with drugs, particularly LSD. Morrison impressed several people at that time and decided to form a band. Two of his band members were recruited from the Psychedelic Rangers. Robbie Krieger and John Densmore joined Morrison and The Doors was created. The name was Jim Morrison's idea. He got the idea from The Doors of Perception, from Aldous Huxley's book on mescaline.

Jim Morrison began his singing career fairly shy as a front man. He would avoid eye contact with his audience and sometimes sang with his back turned to the audience. He soon came out of his shell and began performing as the Jim Morrison we all know.

The Doors rose to stardom in 1967 with their debut that began a string of hit songs and headlines in the news. Morrison's anti war antics were loved by many, but hated by some. Especially, due to his father's position as an Admiral in the U.S. Navy. In fact, Jim Morrison was closely watched by the United States Government because he was related to a figure of a high status the US Government. His relationship with a US Admiral, his father, made him a "potential threat" to US intelligence at the time.

Jim Morrison was also known for drunken outbursts of behavior with frequent loss of his temper. He began performing with erratic messages to include profanity and innuendos of sex, to provoke frenzied reactions from his audience.

Law enforcement officials were frequently seen at concerts and often arrested Morrison on obscenity charges, which were usually later acquitted. The Doors also retreated into the studio, where they created works like LA Woman and the hard rocking Morrison Hotel. Morrison often retreated to Paris to unwind and write poetry.

Jim Morrison founded Zeppelin Publishing Company with the help of the legal department of Warner Brothers Pictures and Atlantic Records. Jim Morrison was also known for his very high IQ. Perhaps this was another reason why he was considered a potential threat to US intelligence. Interestingly, Morrison founded Zeppelin Publishing Company right before the rock band Led Zeppelin became famous. At the time, everyone knew who The Doors were, but Led Zeppelin was not well-known yet. Zeppelin Publishing Company was chartered, only to be shelved and later revived.

Jim Morrison encompassed a baritone voice that was dark and erotic. His poetic lyrics along with his voice, helped skyrocket The Doors to be one of the most talked about, controversial, and theatrical acts of our age.

Their popular hits of the 1960s included Light My Fire, Hello I Love You, Don't You Love Her, and many more. On March 1, 1969 Jim Morrison and The Doors were booked for a concert in Coconut Grove, Florida. Morrison's flight was held over in New Orleans, and he spent much time in the airport bar, drinking heavily.

By the Time Morrison arrived on stage, he was barely able to stand. In front of the screaming crowd of over 13,000 people, Morrison briefly exposed himself. Law enforcement officials were pressured by Miami area residents to issue a warrant for his arrest. Morrison later turned himself in to the FBI and went on trial on August 12, 1970.

Jim Morrison eventually withdrew from his own band to write poetry in Paris. He increased his drug and alcohol use, and was found dead in his bathtub on July 3, 1971. He was said to be the victim of an apparent heart attack. He was only 27 years old. Jim Morrison was then buried at the Pere-Lachaisse Cemetery, in Paris.

There is much controversy over his death because of the surrounding circumstances at the time. Following his death, there was a series of bizarre and strange events. People call them strange coincidences. For example, there was a three-day news blackout in the media. His death was not reported until the funeral was over. Robert Hillburn of the LA Times wrote about Morrison's obituary. He titled in article "Why Morrison -- News Delay?". He ignited a controversial spark that since has not dimmed.

Since Morrison's death, there have been rumors and myths of Morrison being spotted in strange places around the world. The most likely place he would be is Paris, France. However, there have been stories of sightings of Morrison, and even claims that he may be living in the Pacific Northwest. He is said to own a ranch there, and living peacefully in seclusion.

As highly unlikely it is for Jim Morrison to still be alive, stranger things have happened in our history. It certainly sparks the imagination of this Doors fan, and other music lovers around the world.


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Tiger Woods - The Toast of Celebrity Gossip

In celebrity gossip circles, many are referring to Tiger Woods as a single-handed stimulus package for this industry. The celeb gossip sites went abuzz with news and updates when the greatest sporting scandal of all time came to light. The entertainment news took to this scoop like a fire takes to a dry forest. The fact that Tiger Woods had a squeaking clean image before this made matters worse for him. The paparazzi sat up and took notice, arming themselves with the latest equipment in the business and the aim to dig photos of his long line of mistresses.

The king of contemporary golf, however, disappointed the paparazzi big time. Since Thanksgiving, when his car crashed into a water hydrant as he was trying to escape a golf club brandishing Elin Woods, a real-time photo of Tiger Woods was not seen in any celebrity gossip column. Instead, the celeb gossip sites went berserk digging up the photos and background information about his mistresses. Some of them were posh club promoters and some were downright porn stars. The entertainment news tabloids and newspapers struck deals with these mistresses for evidence that they were linked to Tiger Woods. Some came out with voicemail messages; some with text messages. The only fact that pervaded all of this was that Tiger Woods was a doomed man and a PR's nightmare.

Then the focus of the celebrity gossip sites then sifted to the wife and kids of Tiger Woods. The paparazzi wanted a shot of the distraught, wronged and cheated wife. The celeb gossip pages were building up the hype of what Elin's next step would be: would she divorce Tiger? What will be the alimony and other monetary settlements? Entertainment news reports came up with the unconfirmed report that Tiger was begging for Elin to take him back. In fact, he was also willing to redraft the pre-nuptial agreement to entitle Elin to more money. It was like Elin would do better financially if she stayed with him rather than dump him. The moral questions of such a step were well debated as well.

Then the celebrity gossip sites perched the paparazzi in front of the rehab center Tiger was attending in Mississippi. That was his last attempt to convince his wife that he was serious about getting his marriage back on track. The celeb gossip sites speculated loudly if Elin was going to visit him in rehab. It was customary that she did for a 7-day period. Putting an end to all the speculation, Elin was there over a weekend. With precious little left in the Tiger Woods scandal, the paparazzi would surely be there to cover a little known Tavistock Cup, where he is set to end his sabbatical from golf. That will also be his first appearance on a public platform after weeks on ignominy and shame. His fans know that Tiger has it in him to be the proverbial phoenix and rise from the ashes to emerge a winner again!


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News From Another Dimension - Part I

In a surprise move by Congress, more changes are on the way in how consumers will receive their favorite broadcast television programs in the near future. High powered television stations are already gearing up for the mandatory conversion to digital broadcasting scheduled for February of 2009. The government is preparing consumers for the move to digital signals by offering people with older analog televisions not receiving cable or satellite programs, a $40 coupon to be used toward the purchase of a digital converter for up to two television sets. The economy is expected to get a good shot of revenue when millions of households rush into stores to buy digital converters that are expected to range in price from $50 to $70 each initially. While they are in the stores, people are expected to buy some of the other stuff they were too scared by the economic downturn and loss of jobs to get during the Christmas season hype. Further sales are expected when consumers give up on trying to get good digital programs from their rabbit ears, and go back to the stores to spend big bucks on brand new television sets.

Foreign manufacturers of the digital converters have made a deal with Congressional leaders to jack up the prices of the tuners once American viewers recognize they cannot do without some kind of broadcast television. Prices for converters will probably mess up Wall Street again when costs for the new equipment reach $100 per unit by the end of 2009.

The new digital broadcasting regulations apply only to the high powered television stations. This week, Congress unveiled their plans for what they intend to do about new requirements for low powered broadcasters, which will follow on the heels of the digital deadline of February 2009. Since low powered stations will not be required to implement the digital requirements, the government will be forcing low powered stations to adopt Chismbob broadcast standards.

Spokesman for the FCC, Harry Lungheavy made the following statement about the new Chismbob broadcast standards, "We are making the little guys use Chismbob broadcasting because it is something that does not require a converter, and we think viewers will appreciate seeing something they can do with their fingers instead of a computer. We think it is a nice low tech approach to watching community based programs."

Though the details of Chismbob broadcasting have yet to be worked out completely, the government expects to offer consumers a coupon good for a free copy of the publication titled, "I Got Chismbob On My TV." Though the book will not generate any sales in stores due to the coupon for a free copy, consumers are expected to buy some books they want to read when they go looking for their free copy of the Chismbob publication in bookstores.

The members of SETI, (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence,) have called for some special meetings with Congressional leadership to voice the organization's concerns for how these new broadcast standards will impact their work. In establishing the agenda for these meetings, the group is expected to raise issues on how to let alien life forms know they must switch to digital programming to receive future reruns of their beloved "I Love Lucy" episodes. The SETI organization is also expected to hit Congress up for a big fat grant to help them gear up for detecting alien broadcast signals in analog, digital and Chismbob formats all at once. Some arguments are expected as to whether or not alien life forms have the fingers for doing Chismbob programming, which would make funding for receiving alien Chismbob signals a moot, but highly expensive point.

If the revenues generated from mucking up the television industry prove to be a big success, Congress is expected to go forward with a number of more ambitious plans to get consumers to buy a host of other new consumer goods. Since America has gone global with its business infrastructure and economy, the politicians have determined that citizens need to get busy buying a lot more stuff at a much faster pace in order to prop up the income of fat cats who are getting rich somewhere other than the USA.

When questioned about where all the money is going to come from to support this hyper drive boost in consumer spending, Speaker of the House said to a representative from the National Inquirer, "We are focused on getting the spending up where it needs be first. Life calls for Visa, so if people have to charge stuff because they are not working, we can worry about where the money to pay off the charge cards is coming from later. Besides, the high interest charges will be good for the banks." After this statement, the reporter stopped listening.


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Girl Fight - Turkish News-Columnist Arman Takes The Gloves Off Against Entertainment Queen Avsar

We mentioned back in May that Turkish beauty and entertainment queen Hülya Avsar has had her detractors. But it wasn't until recently that they began lining up against her in such numbers. And they don't mind playing rough either.

For instance, the well-respected (and usually liberal-minded) female newspaper columnist Ayse Arman led off her anti-Avsar attack in late September saying, "I don't descend to Hülya Avsar's low class!"

That remark came after a series of exchanges between columnist Arman and the loose-lipped entertainer that began when Avsar made the politically charged statement that, "Turks who want to create a separate state should go ahead and do so. Let them live the way they want to live. For example, if Kurds want to establish a Kurdish state... it's similar to Turkey's desire to join the European Union."

When she heard Avsar's remark, Arman riposted, "There are some people in show-business whose mouth-zipper is broken!"

Arman added, "Avsar should stick to what she's good at...beauty, acting, singing, entertaining -- and being cute. But when it comes to political subjects, especially heavy political issues...then I say, 'Hülya... Keep away, woman!'"

These words naturally upset Ms. Avsar, and she came back with a salvo of her own. "Ayse Arman writes too much about sex in her newspaper column. She's got lovemaking, and such, on the brain. Well, she also practices what she preaches. She enticed the husband of a woman-friend of mine -- and broke up the couple's marriage. If I enter politics, I'll appoint Arman as the 'Minister Responsible for Breaking Up Happy Marriages'."

And in Arman's news-column the next day entitled, "Look At This Nasty Talk" Ms. Arman retorted, "I've learned moral lessons from almost everyone I know -- at one time or another. The one exception is Hülya Avsar...who, with a personal history like hers, has nothing to teach me or anyone else -- in the morals department."

Arman concluded..."I suppose dear readers, that you're expecting me to fire back at Ms. Avsar, aren't you...? Well, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint...and leave her talking to herself in the gutter where she belongs!"

And it's not just Newspaper Columnists who've been having a field day with Ms. Avsar lately. Her peers in the entertainment-business too are joining ranks against her...

Part 3 -- Hülya Avsar Becomes Gossip-Fodder For TV Talks Shows

Click following to access a fully illustrated HTML version of Girl Fight !!

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Produce Rap Music - Success Producing Rap

Producing songs is immensely competitive and to compose urban songs can be even more cutthroat. The songwriters are actually the reason a performer becomes as recognized as they have or that their song became a top selling favorite. In many occasions, it is the composer of rap music that actually chooses which lyrics and/or music selections are used by the rap artist. When this happens, the song songwriter often gets less props than they usually earn. Hip hop music has been in the forefront for a few decades and due to its expanding following, there are a large amount of artists trying to break into the business to produce hip hop music.

There are many kinds of rap songs and because of the extraordinary competition in the music business it is extremely necessary to decide which type to create hip hop songs for. If a chosen kind is concentrated on or if a certain style is what someone prefers they will have a possible successor more in this area. A rapper who has become incredibly well known in the music world know what kind of songs they play for the love and put heart and soul into it. For example, a stable artist wants people to sing pop fans would feel about producing hip-hop to more urban type.

Many fans find so fascinating that hip-hop was born in America. There are many kindsof music that have backgrounds in other countries even though it has evolved into chart topping music in the U.S. Pure song fans want to create rap music to join in a truly American kind of music. In addition, many may feel this kind of song is an avenue for artists to express themselves and to allow the fans to relate to live events of today. Considering that the cadence of hip hop can get people interested in the music, many urban songwriters find it gets listeners to connect to the expression of the songs and communicate messages.

To compose urban songs it is also important to know about the rhythm and flow of rap songs. It can also be good to have some proper training or awareness of music theory. When a composer understands about other kinds of music they really have an advantage. Many top selling rhythms or flows from music of the past are talked about in rap songs as well as the composer of knowing what is popular and what people buy. Composer-hop can be realized as a fad, a successful and satisfying life and everything they write, the music can be heard the spice of great songwriting increase world.


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Tony Yayo

Tony Yayo has bein included on most of his G Unit friends solo albums, in preparation for his own debut album release. The artists featured on the album consist of 50 Cent, Young Buck, The Game and Lloyd Banks. And of course other artists such as, Lil' Flip, Paul Wall, Eminem and Dr. Dre. The album title Thoughts Of A Predicate Felon has already been released in America.

Expectation for Thoughts Of A Predicate Felon has developed since his new audio tracks have been featured on mixtapes and the most popular radio stations. Tony Yayo is one of G Units original members. During a tour stop in south New York, the G Unit artist was detained for an outstanding weapons charges warrent and was sentenced to a year in a New York prison. When Yayo was finally let out from prison he was almost immediately detained again the next day for having in his possesion a fake passport. The incident forced Yayo to spend six months in prison. After release, the rapper began preparing for his debut album.

The G Unit rapper was recording with G-Unit even though he is only featured two times on Beg For Mercy. Free Yayo was a group created by the G Unit members with the purpose of creating great support for the detained Tony Yayo. For example, on the Beg For Mercy sony Stunt 101 rapper and friend Young Buck says free yayo, the video for that same track features "free Yayo" graffiti. The interest group got to be much bigger than any of them had imagined, even with such rappers such as Eminem wearing a "Free Yayo" T-Shirt at an MTV music Awards 2005. Which ended up in the sale of apparel with the phrase 'Free Yayo' on it. The association was accountable for the enthusiasm and expectation produced for the release of the G-Unit rapper. As an additional effect, Tony Yayo's features on alternative mixtapes seriously raised sales of DJs such as DJ Clue and DJ Whoo Kid.

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Tonal Music Book Review

Are you a lover of music, I do not mean to ask you if you like music, most everyone does and most everyone has specific tastes, but there is a lot more to music than just listening. Perhaps you'd like to learn more about its structure, and how to analyze it? If so, let me recommend a very good book to you:

"Form in Tonal Music" by Douglas M. Green; Holt, Rinehart and Winston Publishing Company Incorporated; New York, NY; 1965; ISBN: 0-03-46015-7.

This book takes the confusion out of the typical study of music analysis, as it simplifies harmony and counterpoint disciplines, allowing the student to understand how to construct without over loading with historical music tunes and famous names. Knowing the music without confusion first, is the aim of this book, and thus, maybe it is a good first read, prior to music analysis from a historical perspective. I think I'd recommend it to just about any serious music student.

The book has chapters on the basics of form, shape, genre and harmonic structure of the phrase, along with developing, and combining phrases. Then the book, which is written very much like a text book discusses the various analytical methodologies. The student will learn of variations, ternary forms, rondo, sonata (very comprehensive), and binary forms.

The concerto movement, fugue, and similar genres are discussed and then there is a final chapter, which is very fascinating, even proves that Green really knows his stuff, as he goes into the unique forms of structure. You will be fascinated by the amount of information and ways you can apply this knowledge when you are completed.

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Pakistani Music

When we say music, most of the people think at the great musicians from the eastern world. But what about the western music, I say? What about the Indian or the Pakistani music? I have noticed that only few people know some general information on Pakistani music. Well, this article is meant to change all that.

A genius man once said "Music makes one feel so romantic - at least it always gets on one's nerves - which is the same thing nowadays". The Pakistan people, I must say have been very fortunate to have so many big names of music. If you know something about it, I bet you know about Noor Jehan who charmed generations with her beautiful music. This woman had an extraordinary voice that could touch even the most evils souls. It was simply a gift from God. "These sons are not an ordinary entity sold in the market" is the translation of "aye putar hatan tay naiin wikday" the patriotic song broadcasted on every radio station after the 1965 war. Back then, in her glorious days, she was considered to be the icon of the Pakistani music

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan was another voice people couldn't get enough. This is also one of the most popular Pakistani Music celebrities. He sand so beautiful than even those that didn't understand Pakistani at all listened to it. Some even consider him the main reason the Pakistani music survived. One sure fact is that, he is the reason Pakistani music made it to the open. He was the first to reach the international market and made Pakistani music popular in the world. Even now, years after his dead the Pakistani people talk about his music and his mysterious character.

After him, other Pakistani music idols came. The pop era followed, and celebrities like Junaid Jamshed and Ali Azmat (a rock star) had a great success. With them Pakistani music evolved a lot, and once with them so the Pakistani people. They now can understand the eastern music culture and borrow some from it. Nowadays, Pakistani music is even available on the internet; more and more websites based on this appear each day.

Now, we can categorize the Pakistani music into six types:

Classical - it is a disappearing form, but still influences many of the present artists

Semi classical/Ghazal - this is a form of music in which a poem is sung

Folk - there are four provinces in Pakistan, each with its own characteristics

Qawwali/devotional - this dynamic genre became internationally popular by artists like Sabri Brothers, Aziz Mian and Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan.

Film music - Tarranum Madame Noor Jehan is the most popular film music artist. She sang songs of all genres for the Pakistani television.
Pop music - the privatization of Pakistani television made this genre so popular. Nowadays many television broadcast pop music. More, a Pakistani popular single, Najane Kyun recently featured on the Urdu Soundtrack for Spiderman 2.

Music journalism has grown in popularity in Pakistan over the years. This trend was unknown in the Pakistani music twenty years ago. But all that changed once with the reviews written by Farrukh Moriani ( the Pakistani first music critic) which appeared in the Karachi's tabloid, The Star. At the end of the 80's and with the coming of the Liberal government of Benazir Bhutto in 1988, the once repressed and frowned upon Pakistani pop music, evolved from the underground and started gaining mainstream popularity.

Back then another Pakistani music and fashion critic grew in popularity. Fifi Haroon was among the first Pakistan's music critic to undertake full features on the growing local music scene. But this was not so serious. All things changed in 1990, when Pakistani music journalism became serious. Responsible for that was Nadeem F. Paracha.

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Types of Door Knockers

Many architectural structures are designed to bring attention to their entranceways, especially houses. When guests arrive, doors are the first things they see; the best doorways are warm, inviting and unique. Because the door is the focal point of the entranceway, it's impossible to miss a door knocker. These decorative pieces add elegance and distinction to any doorway, setting it apart from the other houses on the street.

Although there is no official history regarding door knockers, they have been around since people have been living in dwellings. They were especially popular during from medieval times up through the 18th century, or until they were replaced by the electric doorbell. Although some people still use them as decorations, very few have practical use. Still, with so many types available, there is a style that will fit any preference.

Back when they were common door knockers were made to spare the knuckles of a visitor and their basic construction was a metal ring and a plate. They were often made to resemble animal or human faces (famously in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol), but detail varies greatly. Even today, people can choose from a spectrum of knockers; from the basic rapper to one with craftsmanship that equals the greatest sculptures.

There are many types, all made out of different material. Cast iron knockers have been favorites for a long time for their simplicity and sturdiness. Those who want to complete a Western theme to their décor will enjoy the raw aesthetic of cast iron.

Pewter is another popular material. This metal is actually an alloy, consisting of both tin and copper - which gives it an alluring luster. Lower-grade pewter has a bluish color because lead is also added. Although Pewter is not commonly-used today seeing that it isn't as strong as other metals, it's still a popular material for decorative objects because it is easy to produce while retaining an elegant texture.

Copper is renowned for its ability to withstand the natural elements; it is the only material that doesn't rust. Instead, it oxidizes - meaning that it forms a green finish when exposed to oxygen. Copper doesn't physically deteriorate unlike other metals. The oxidation layer makes the metal stronger, which reduces the need to replace any door knockers made out of copper.

Stainless steel is a popular type of door knockers. This alloy holds numerous benefits, mainly its industrial-chic aesthetic. Stainless steel is also known for its strength and resistance to corrosion. Those living in lower temperatures will also favor the metal because of the toughness towards cryogenics (anti-freezing properties). Of all the decorative metals, stainless steel has been the most popular since the invention of it during the early 1900s.

Whether used practically or for decoration, a door knocker is an excellent way of distinguishing a doorway. With so many types of door knockers on the market, it's easy to find one that fits your unique personality and décor.


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Lil Wayne & His Music

Weezy F. Baby, otherwise known as Lil Wayne, was born Dwayne Michael Carter Jr. in New Orleans, LA, on the 27th of September in 1982. He is also known by the monikers Birdman Junior, Raw Tune, Weezy or simply Dwayne Carter. He has been a resident of New Orleans until August 2005 when Hurricane Katrina hit the gulf states and caused widespread damage. He has since relocated to Miami, FL. Lil Wayne claims to be "the best rapper alive since the best rapper retired."

Lil Wayne's musical career began at the tender age of 11, after meeting Cash Money Records' owner and CEO Ronald "Slim" Brian. He cites Pimp Daddy and U.N.L.V (recording artists from Cash Money Records as well) as some of his early influences. After his encounter with Slim, Lil Wayne out of high school to fully pursue his dreams of becoming a rap artist. Another Cash Money executive, Baby Williams, signed him to Cash Money, where he has been ever since. Baby not only served as Lil Wayne's musical mentor, but also as a father figure.

Weezy grew up with a stepfather who, like many young men from the inner city, owned a handgun which was unregistered. Lil Wayne accidentally shot himself whilst playing with it as a young child, and after waking up in hospital a few days later, pointed the authorities to the gun's owner. His stepfather was ultimately arrested for owning the unregistered weapon and incarcerated. Unfortunately, after his release from the penitentiary, he was abducted and killed. In memory of his stepfather, Wayne got "In Memory Of Rabbit: It's Up To Me" tattooed on his arm.

At age 14, in 1997, Lil Wayne formed the Hot Boyz along with fellow members Juvenile, Turk and B.G. They released the hugely successful album entitled "Get It How You Live". The Hot Boyz instantly became famous in the south and midwest.

When he was 16, Weezy released "The Block Iz Hot" thereby launching his solo career. Four albums have followed ever since; Lights Out, 500 Degreez, That Carter, and That Carter II.

His latest offering was released on the 6th of December 2005 and it has already sold more than a million copies. With his rising popularity came a huge demand for his music in digital format. Nowadays people prefer using mp3 players as opposed to compact discs. They are smaller, easier to carry, and can store over a thousand songs in some cases.

Lil Wayne mp3's are abundant on the Internet. If you know where to search, you can obtain free Lil Wayne Mp3 downloads. We all like the sound for free, don't we ?

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Music Of Spain

Flamenco music is a form of authentic southern Spanish art form. It can be explained well if divided in three forms -- firstly Cane the song, Baile the dance and Guitarra the guitar. Spanish music has been influenced by a number of cultures and that is due to the fact that many diverse cultured countries dominated Spain. Gypsies are synonymous to Spain and can definitely be called the Fathers of Spanish music. The legendary Tartessos, the songs and dances of Andalusia, and the Muslims were all factors which greatly influenced the Spanish music.

It is very difficult to assess in what way and context the music of Spain was influenced but it surely gave rise to a number of different styles and manners which was quite different from the rest of Europe.

The Romans, Greeks and the Moors greatly affected the composition of music in the early period. The music of the Christian Church in Spain is known as Mozarabic chant. Arabic music influenced Spanish instrumental music during the early Renaissance. During the early 16th century, polyphonic style of music originated in Spain. It was kind of related to the style of Franco-Flemish composer. Artists like Antonio Soler got inspired by Italian models, this was during the arrival of Classicism. The famous Madrid Court appointed the famous and renowned Italian composers such as Domenico Scarlatti and Luigi Boccherini.

Many music festivals were organized and these actually originated to boost local tourism. The local tourists have great interest in music and many measures were taken to make music more famous and popular. Rock and roll and pop are famous kinds of music and many famous pop stars in Spain are females. Ye Ye is another form of music which is a fusion of American rock and British beat music. Some of Spain's famous singers are Miguel Bose, Rosa Lopez, Enrique Iglesais and many more. Some of the famous pop groups are Los Bravos, Ketama, Greta, Pereza, and Falling Kids.

Regional folk music with folk based singers and song writers are also a part of Spain's music. As in the Basque Country, Cantabrian folk music features intricate arch and stick dances but tabor pipes did not play such a predominant role. Aside with a rich tradition for rebec, a popular instrumental setting encompasses drum and alto clarinet players. All over Castile there is also a strong tradition of dance music for dulzaina and rondalla groups. Popular rhythms include 5/8 charrada and circle dances, joya and habas verdes.


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Music In Society

Music is a ubiquitous presence in our daily lives. In our homes, workplaces and shops, music is the backdrop to our daily lives, and is a common denominator amongst people across the world. Furthermore, music establishes social connections, and is an adhesive particularly amongst younger generations, forming friendship groups based around this common interest. But what is it about music that makes it so important in our society, and how has this come to be the case? In this article we will look at the profound impact of music on our everyday lives and why music has this impact.

The impact of music begins from a very early age. As babies, it is essential to begin to comprehend rhythm in order to anticipate future events, not only for our safety but for our mental development. This is where singing to children comes in. The child's response to music will be notably positive, particularly if they are involved in the singing. This makes them anticipate recurring parts of the song, determined through the rhythm of the music. Interestingly, there have also been links between music and the treatment of autism, with rhythm an essential ingredient in that process. By encouraging the anticipation of rhythm, music is making new connections in the brain to help those in need.

Music is also a strong commercial tool, and an industry worth literally billions of dollars every year. Even with the threats of technology in recent years, the record industry is still booming, and their marketing power is as strong as ever. In 2003, a survey showed that the involvement of music when we shopped encouraged an increase in spending by up to 30%. Maybe it's a result of the emotive connection we feel with music. Or maybe it stems from the relax state music can induce. Either way, music makes money at source and as a marketing tool for other people. You only have to look at some of the film and music deals that have been struck over the last decade to see how widespread the impact of music in our lives.

Music is commonly appreciated by everyone, which is strange given cultural distinctions and personal taste. Because there is such a massive scope in tastes and cultures worldwide, so to music differs from place to place. But at the core is the same considerations of melody, harmony and rhythm which drive us as humans and make a deep, spiritual connection.

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Printable Trumpet Scores, Find Downloadable Trumpet Sheet Music Online

I guess you have some trumpet books around with sheet music scores that you have bought. You can also find many printable trumpet sheets on the Internet both free and for money. Let me show you how to find these trumpet sheets and what formats you can expect to find online!

Downloadable sheet music formats

When you search for free trumpet scores online it is useful to know in which formats the music scores are presented. This will help you as you try to use relevant search terms and also for knowing if you can open the files on your computer. In some cases you will probably have down download and install software in order to open and read the sheet music scores. I will just mention a few of the formats used. One quality format is the PDF format that many sites use for their trumpet sheets. You will need Acrobat Reader or some other PDF software to open these files. You can find scores in graphic formats like Gif-files with lower quality and other formats that requires that you download and install an application. If you would like to search for PDF files you can include this word in a phrase like "pdf sheet music" and other variations.

Trumpet sheet music videos

You can also find instructional trumpet videos on YouTube and other video sites with learn to play trumpet clips and also trumpet scores that you can play along with or that gives you a link to a site where you can download the music if you like it. These trumpet lessons will help you learn to play trumpet and improve your skills and the links associated with the videos will often lead you to sites with educational trumpet scores for beginners.

Buy trumpet scores online

Of course you will find an nearly unlimited amount of quality trumpet sheets online if you are prepared to pay for it. If you search for "trumpet books", "sheet music store" and "buy trumpet scores" you will find sites that have books that can be physically shipped or downloaded in digital form. Copyright protected music should not be found for free on the Internet and I guess you and I would feel better if we support the artists by buying this kind of music.

Build a trumpet sheet music library

Of course it will take some time to find the best sites with free trumpet scores due to the fact that a site can be optimized well for the search engines even if it doesn't provide much quality information. You will have to browse through many search result pages to find the best sites. But, as soon as you find a good site with free trumpet scores you can bookmark it and soon you will have your own personal library of free sheet music for trumpet.

Yous hould

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Online Learning of Keyboard Music Synthesizers

You want to play synthesizer? Want to learn the instrument from your home? No problem. Online learning of keyboard music synthesizers is possible now.

Keyboard music synthesizer is a nice instrument. It is very good for learning the basics of keyboards. It is very user friendly. It includes a full octave keyboard, with various brilliant effects.

Online learning of keyboard music synthesizers has become very easy nowadays. There are lots of websites available for that. But they have got some rules and regulations. You just need to visit their website and read those carefully. You may have to register your name. Then download the lessons. Obviously step by step. First download the easy lessons. Downloading the tough lesson will not help you anyway.

You will find their instructions about the learning process. Just follow them. You need to be very careful while reading the lessons. You will not find any one who can give you a practical lesson. You make one small mistake to understand the lesson and it can ruin your whole lesson.

The best thing about online learning of keyboard music synthesizers is that you can gather all the lessons by sitting at your home. You do not need to go anywhere. All the facilities are just one mouse click away. You will even find a varied range of notations of different songs. You can take those and practice. It will help you to achieve the perfection.

Another thing, which makes the online process exclusive, is the tips from the professionals. A lot of famous synthesizer players often give various valuable suggestions on various sites. These suggestions will help you to understand the lessons properly.

This process is very effective. But it will not give you any practical knowledge. To gather that, you need to play what you have learned. Do not only take the lessons. Practice them at your home regularly. The more you practice, the more you will be perfect on your playing.

If you practice daily, then you will be able to learn your lessons fast. And if you learn your lesson fast, then you will be able to move on to your next lesson very soon.

Although the online process of keyboard music synthesizers is pretty good; but it will be more effective if you also consult some books. There are many books available that will help you to enhance your knowledge.

You can even sit for the practical exam from your home. You do not have to go anywhere. Just fill up a small form online and send them to the proper address. All you have to do is, just pay the examination fee. And after this you will be able to give the exam online.

And you will not have to move a thing. They will take every hassle. They will send you the question paper, they will check your copy and even send you the result.

Online learning of keyboard music synthesizers is not that tough. The online instructions are very lucidly written and you will not find any problem to understand them. So do not worry. Just go ahead and give this new system a chance.

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Listen To Rap Freestyle Beats

Rap freestyle music are generally of two types. One is recited or scripted style, which has no authority of one subject matter over the other. The other is free styling or the spitting, which is the modification of rap lyrics. In the free styling type, rappers mostly use or reuse lines from old songs or the likes.

As so much of cheating goes on in the business, the free styling that is the result of originality are very valued in the field. Listening to rap freestyle beats of this type would be more enjoyable and worth the while, not that the others are nonsensical, yet originality is always the color of the day. The cliché is that, rap musicians always use inspiration that is always in the immediate surrounding to prove that they have produced authentic music.

Listening to rap freestyle beats of another form, known as the battle rapping is pretty interesting as it normally a sort of "battle" of music between two rappers taking place in front of an audience. This kind of insulting one's own acquaintance in the form of rhyme is not new to hear. It was in fact used by lots of people in the past. Muhammad Ali, in his boxing matches for instance. The winner of this sort battle is selected by either selected judges, or the general public. It is believed that, in these battles, the rapper focuses on his competitor's flaws, rather than on one's own strength. This kind of music was mostly famous in the African-American community and could be watched in certain weekly TV programs.

Listening to battle rap in the freestyle form would make one realize that these are the most strongest type of battles. In this kind of music, one rapper can comment the other on his looks, clothing, speaking, eating, etc. thus proving it to be one of the strongest among battle rapping. And in this type of rapping, the second rapper is also entitled to reverse the line used on him to insult the host commenter.

Throughout the whole history of hip-hop as yet, there has always been the production of new styles of music in rap form. These are the form of freestyle rap beats worth listening. The total group of music styles, such as the rapcore or hip house, have all been originated from freestyle rap and its fusion. A lot of music styles, with the aim of producing music that can be made by playing a musical instrument by shaking or striking it, have also contained rap at some or the other point.

And this can be contained in music of any type. Typically, this is proved by singers who produce music written without any key. A form of Celtic fusion created by a California group, has received a lot of attention because it fuses hip-hop with Celtic music. In a form that is so different from that of hip-hop artists, it produces music live without the help of any musical machine or instrument.

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Coping With Financial Stress Due to Loss of Income

Money management is a source of stress for millions of people. If your income has dropped, you must cope with this worry as well as the daily reminders--bills piling up, medical treatments, groceries, children's clothing, or transportation expenses. To get through these tough times, consider some of the following stress management strategies.

Identify Your Financial Stressors.

Write down some specific ways that you and your family can reduce expenses or manage your finances more efficiently. From this general written plan, create a monthly list of expenses that you feel reflects strategies that you are comfortable in following.

Now list your newly projected monthly income. Is there a gap between the total monthly expenses and total monthly income? What other income sources do you have available to you for use in the short term or long term? You also might look for a part-time job or use a hobby to make a supplemental income to assist you in meeting your obligations.

Making decisions in areas where you have control can help you feel more secure in these insecure economic times. Cutting back on leisure-time activity expenses and realigning some of your food expenses might be areas that you can gain a sense of control. Substitute home labor projects for purchased goods.

If you are having trouble paying bills, reach out for help by calling your bank, utilities or credit-card companies.

Performing this written exercise offers you a clearer picture of where things stand now, and just putting things in writing can help with your stress level.

Take One Day At A Time.
In difficult economic times, try to consider how the forced changes in your life can become growth opportunities. Some changes in our lives are permanent and over time they must be accepted if you are to move on. Always remember to take one day at a time, and set small goals that you can accomplish and in which you can take pride. Resolve one issue at a time. Think of ways that these economic challenges can help you develop healthier ways to deal with stress. The loss of a job or a loved one may result in your having more time on your hands, and so you dwell on your troubles. Yes, you may need to craft a job search strategy but spend some time doing personal things you may have postponed. Consider learning a new skill. Take a course or look into low-cost resources that can lead to a better job. Turn the negative situation into a positive outcome as you develop new ways to manage your life.

Develop An Action Plan.
When planning for your economic future, you may feel a sense of urgency to make quick decision, but you also want to make the best choices for long term success. Take time to consider what aspects of the situation you can control. Some of the stress will involve the family, so you should make certain that everyone involved understands his or her responsibilities and how they can lend a hand in helping relieve some of the daily hassles that may be adding to the tension. This is probably a good time to hone your time management skills. Use time efficiently when researching job opportunities or learning new skills, and try to set a daily action plan to begin taking one step forward each day as you consider your financial solutions. This may be a good time for you to talk with professional employment agencies to get a fresh look at your existing skill set and see how to reconfigure them to match different job opportunities.

When Worries Will Not Go Away.
When worries seem to be your constant focus, try to analyze these worries. Better yet, before you go to bed, write down a list of things that are worrying you, and consider them in the morning so that you will not dwell on them while you are trying to sleep. In the morning, take your list of worries and consider what existing problem is making that worry. List the reasons that the given problem is making you worry. As you review your list, consider whether you have control over these problems. If you believe that some problems are controllable, identify the strategies that you know and then determine how to use them to bring this control over the problem. To discuss the problems and worries that you feel just will not go away, consider seeking professional help. Resources such as your primary care physician, or mental health professionals, or clergy can help in dealing with your anxiety and emotional trauma. These people are available to help, and it is better to talk with these resources before your problems become too big to handle. You want to establish a positive action plan that helps you handle your fears, adjust to your present situation, and plan adequately for your future.


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The Top Schools For Creative and Performing Arts in the US

Most public schools and high schools in the United States are traditionally based with a curriculum that will prepare you for college. There are other schools, however, that focus one specialty such as creative and performing arts. This article will look into three such schools located in Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia. They have traditional classes as well as classes to enhance on the artistic talents of their students. SPCA in Cincinnati has been highlighted with a reality television series on MTV giving others a glimpse into what a school like this is like showing singers sitting at a piano with a piano lamp or piano lamps shining down on them as they prepare to perform in an all school talent show, for example.

The first school is the one mentioned above called SPCA which stands for the School of Performing and Creative Arts located in downtown Cincinnati. It is the oldest public arts school in the nation and the enrollment has increased by 60% over the past year after the airing of the show "Taking the Stage" showed what the school is all about on MTV. The show is like a real life Fame exploring the lives of different students pursuing their dreams of being a professional dancer, rapper or songwriter. A brand new facility and building will be opened for this public school for next year to house the 988 students in grades 4-12. Academics are as good as the arts here being noted as a Blue ribbon School in the past.

Philadelphia High School for Creative and Performing Arts has the mission to nurture all of the creative talents of their students while also giving them a solid college prep academic curriculum. The arts that are offered here are creative writing, dance, drama, instrumental music, vocal music and visual arts. In order to be accepted to CAPA you must have good grades from your previous school and go through an audition in the art area you want to major in. The famous singing group, Boyz II Men, all are alumni of the Philadelphia Arts school.

The Pittsburgh Creative and Performing Arts School started in 1979 with just over 30 students and have grown throughout the years to now have students in grades 6-12 at the school studying a variety of arts programs. In 2003-2004, they moved into a new facility that has a large auditorium, a theatre, an art gallery, a television studio and spacious rehearsal areas for all of the various arts to practice in. This new building makes this school a step above many of the others in the area and because of that, the competition to be admitted to this school is very difficult.

There are over 350 arts schools in America, but just a handful of them have been nationally recognized for being some of the best including the ones described in this article. Kids are becoming more interested in arts schools today and the "Taking the Stage" show will only increase that interest.

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Music Web Sites

Let us examine these requirements for a successful music download. You can also download music tracks of your choice and save on your phone. Apple also brands iPod in conjunction with iTunes, its music web site where iPod users can purchase and download songs for less than $1 a piece.

But where do we stand in the eyes of the law, if we decide to download music. You could download your favorite videos and music tracks from the internet and play them on your phone. Most latest models have features beyond sending text messages and making voice calls-including Internet browsing, music (MP3) playback, personal organizers, e-mail, built-in cameras and camcorders, ringtones, games, radio, Push-to-Talk (PTT), infrared and Bluetooth connectivity, call registers, ability to watch streaming video or download video for later viewing, and serving as a wireless modem for a PC.

Any artist can have an online presence, promote their music to an audience of millions, and let consumers download their music to their hearts content. These music download sites include, believe it or not, Napster, with over 500,000 digital music downloads, eMusic, where you can get 50 free music downloads just for starters, Musicmatch, who has a great membership package, Realrhapsody, which offers a very nice two-week free trial, and one of my favorites and their "Always Low Prices" is the Wal-Mart music download. With microSD support of up to 2GB, users can download more music tracks, video clips and images.

You could listen to your favorite music tracks; you could also download the songs of your choice to your handset and drive away your blues. Download your favorite soundtracks and enjoy listening music tracks wherever you go. Moreover, you can download music, photos and Java games to make the maximum use of your leisure time.

Well here is a quick guide for beginners, on how to convert your current music files into PSP format audio files: Step One --- Download The Software First of all, you need to download software onto your PSP that allows you to convert MP3 files into PSP MP4 format.

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How to Embed Videos on Your Facebook Wall

As a web developer who works with a lot of video content online, I'm often asked the question "how do I embed videos on my Facebook wall?", to which I answer "Facebook doesn't allow video embedding in profiles but I'll show you the next best thing."

The reality of it is, Facebook has become far more popular than MySpace now and at it's peak, the majority of MySpace users had at least one video embedded on their profile, whether it was a MySpace video or a YouTube video. Now that these MySpace users have jumped ship to the other social networking site with the little blue icon, they'd like to have the same privilege of embedding video on their Facebook profile page.

So how do you do it?

OPTION 1 - posting the latest music videos on your Facebook wall and in your friends' news feeds

find a website that supplies free viewing of the latest, most popular music videos by doing a search engine search of the following terms:
- "urban videos"
- "free music videos toolbar"
- "grime music videos"

find the video of your choice on that website and make sure the video has a "share on Facebook" button. If not, then go back to the previous stage until you find a website that enables Facebook video sharing

click the "share on Facebook" button and it will open up a Facebook window asking you to log in

enter your login details and click the "post to profile" tab... Feel free to enter comments that will appear alongside the video on your profile

click "post" and that's it, the video is on your profile! It'll also show up in all of your friends' news feeds

OPTION 2 - posting any YouTube video on yours or a friend's Facebook wall using the "share a link" method

browse youtube.com for a video of your choice

go to your browser address bar, select the entire website address (URL) for theYoutube video page and right-click/apple-click and select "copy"

now log into Facebook and go to yours or a friend's profile

click the "share link" tab near the top of the page, then right-click/apple-click and paste into the text box displayed

click "preview" then "post" and VOILA... the video is now embedded on yours or your friend's Facebook wall

These steps in option 2 can be repeated using various free video websites other than YouTube, as long as that website is an official Facebook share partner.

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List of the Best Rappers

There are so many lists out there that claim the "50 Best Rappers," or "Best 100 Rappers." I've been suckered into watching a few of them, and it seems that when they finally get down to the good stuff, I always wind up ranting and raving for hours afterward.

In all honesty, do you REALLY think Lil' Wayne is the best rapper alive? Do you really believe that Nas is the greatest of all time?

Here's my top five list, and I'll explain each one as we go. Keep in mind, I have placed them in alphabetical order, because I feel when you get to this level of skill, it's impossible to say one is better than the other. So here we go:

1. Aesop Rock. You can't get much more off the beaten path than this. Drop dead genius lyrics, the kind you can listen to for years and still be surprised by what he says. "I told this cat the earth was flat/ He walked the planet till his beard grew long enough to strangle himself for being stupid" There is no other MC in the world who sounds like him, or raps like him. He is in his own arena, and no one can touch him. A true master, and one of the best rappers ever,

2.Brother Ali. In my opinion, the best rapper right now. Whereas Aesop Rock is cutting edge, Brother Ali is a throw back to hip hop's golden era, mixing intricate rhymes ("way I maneuver kama sutra give me a statue") call-and-responses and solid songwriting. He also has the most powerful voice since Chuck D.

3. Eminem. One of the best lyricists ever, and perhaps the best hip hop songwriter period. He has written songs with a consistent rhyme scheme throughout ("The Way I Am") great battle tracks like "Role Model" and amidst a lot of trash talking, he managed to actually say something along the way. Also, of the MC's in this list, he is probably the best freestyler, too.

4. Melle-Mel. The Godfather. He took hip hop to a new level, and his songs remain as applicable now as they were decades ago. I always feel that Mell-Mel isn't rapping, he's talking directly to me, driving points home with each rhyme. Really, if you don't have any old Melle-Mel records, go out and buy them. He is the first of a long tradition, and still remains one of the best rappers.

5. Rakim. Many claim Rakim is the best rapper ever, and I wouldn't argue. His use of internal rhymes was revolutionary, with a voice that melts into the beat. Over 20 years later, and no one ever came close to creating a flow that is as fluid as his.

Who would you put on your list of best rappers? Any I missed?

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How to Make Rap Beats - Your Best Choices

No matter how good a rapper is, it boils down to the beats...

Think about it: how many times have you heard a completely wack rapper on the radio, and thought to yourself "If this guy's popular, why aren't I winning Grammies?"

The painful answer is: you weren't produced by Dr. Dre, Kanye West or The Neptunes. The truth of the matter is, you've got to learn how make dope rap beats if you want to succeed. Here's some advice on how to do this as quickly as possible:

Purchase beats from a site

Beats365.com has got some really good beats, though you may have to search around to find one you really like. I really like having access to the additional special sound effects, which come in handy.

Beats2rap2.com has a better variety, though that may be my personal taste. Clean production and royalty free beats.

Craiglist.org can be a place to advertise for beats, though this route tends to be more expensive, as they generally charge by the beat.

Learn To Make Your Own

There are a whole slew of resources out there that will teach you how to make rap beats. RapBeatTips offers a solid introductory course on how to create beats, probably the best in my opinion.


Fruity Loops: Nothing but solid technology here. Very easy to learn, and can really get you up and running in no time.


Here's a site that offers free software: http://making-music.blogspot.com/2006/01/big-list-of-free-music-making-software.html

I would suggest that if you don't have any musical experience, that you focus more on beatmaking software first, and leave things like specific instruments, melodies and harmonies alone for now. Get your feet wet, then proceed as your skills improve.

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Designer Baby Clothes

The kind of clothes a baby wears largely depends upon affordability and the personality of the parents. While all parents like their babies to be smartly -dressed, there are those who want to go the extra mile.

Indulging babies in designer outfits is fairly common among celebrity parents and those who can afford it. The designer baby clothing industry is well-established, with top designers churning out lots of fabulous designer outfits for infants and toddlers. And, even though children outgrow clothing quickly, designer baby clothes grow more popular as each year passes. Parents go crazy buying designer body suits, bibs, booties and bonnets and pay ten times more than they would if they went to a regular baby or department clothing store.

Some of the best-known baby designers include Baby Dior, Baby Phat and Anne Geddes. Baby Dior offers cotton body suits complete with its signature teddy bear logo. The Dior collection can be found online at e-LUXURY.com. The Baby Phat line is a creation of rapper Russell Simmons. Baby Phat has styles specifically for teenage girls down to infancy. Their most popular line is the Baby Phat tee shirt that sells for approximately $15.

Although Anne Geddes is most noted for her famous photographs to match her ladybug babies. Her line offers all kinds of cute outfits including a ladybug jacket, a bunny suit and a rosebud quilt.

The next time you're invited to a baby shower or a child's birthday party, buy a designer gift for the little one. You'll be the hit of the party for sure!

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Music Download Scams - How to Avoid Getting Ripped Off

Have you ever tried to download music from the Internet? Where do you go? A logical starting place is to type in "download music" at a major search engine. The search results you would see include a number of well known music services like Apple iTunes, Rhapsody, and Yahoo! Music Unlimited. But a majority of the sponsored links scream to you with messages like "99 Billion Songs", "Free", and "No Download Fees". Sounds pretty enticing? But, is it too good to be true? Read on to find out.

When you click on one of these sponsored links you will be taken to a very professional looking site. For this article we'll call the site MusicScamSite.com. The home page again reiterates the messages "Free!", "No monthly fees" and "No per song fees", along with promises of a very large library of songs; 12 million, 99 million or even 99 billion. Just "click here to download".

If you decide to proceed, you are asked to enter your name and email address. If there is a privacy policy or terms of service link available at this point, it often provides some interesting reading. Common provisions include: "MusicScamSite.com is a direct marketer that delivers email messages to its subscribers. All information voluntarily provided to MusicScamSite.com by a registrant may be used to support our marketing partner's data services business." This is the first red flag that this web site may not be what it first appears to be.

If you still decide to proceed further and volunteer your email address, you get another surprise on the next page: This free service requires a $34.95 membership fee for unlimited access. Or you can pay $1.37 per month for 2 years access. Hmm, this is an odd definition of free. But it's not unusual that "free" things often have a small fee associated with them, and $35 is a reasonable price to pay for unlimited access to music. And since you are paying a fee, it must be a legitimate service, right?

You have already given up your sacred email address, so what's another screen with your address and credit card information? You proceed. After successfully completing the transaction you finally gain access to the secret member's area. Here you will find links to software that you need to install on your computer in order to start downloading music. Commonly linked to software include LimeWire, and various versions of Kaaza and Gnutella.

But wait a minute! Are these not all freeware, peer-to-peer type applications? Indeed they are. And all the music files that you thought were provided by MusicScamSite.com are in actuality coming from your peers - users of the same peer-to-peer software.

Now you start to feel scammed. Isn't this illegal? While most people would probably agree that it is unethical to charge money for something that is otherwise available for free, it is probably not illegal. And besides, when you read the fine print of the terms of service you will notice that "the fee assessed by MusicScamSite.com entitles you to access the location, evaluation, and or recommendation of software products available from the web site and for the installation and technical support provided. All software recommendations refer to software that is available without charge to individuals at large for specific purposes." In other words, you are not paying for the software, just their recommendation of the software and their technical support.

But isn't it illegal to download music from peer-to-peer networks? Again the fine print absolves MusicScamSite.com from any responsibility: "Original works of authorship, including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain intellectual compositions are protected by copyright law. Purchasing a membership in MusicScamSite.com does not give you license to download or upload copyright material. MusicScamSite.com implores you to respect copyright laws and share responsibly."

In summary, you have just parted with your email address and good money, and in return you have received free software and access to a publicly available P2P network. If you use this software to download any copyrighted music you will be breaking the law and may find yourself sued by the RIAA. None of the money that you paid to MusicScamSite.com will ever make its way to the music artists. To put it bluntly: you've been scammed.

How could you have avoided being scammed?

On the Internet in general, keep in mind the old adage "If it sounds too good to be true..." Music artists and record companies like to make a living, so it is very unlikely that they will wholesale give away all their music for free or for a one time fee.
Do some further research before you part with your money. Type in the name of the site that you are considering; combine the name with words like "scam", "fraud", "refund". For the sites that are scams you will find two types of search results: stories in online forums that complain bitterly about being scammed, and review sites that highly recommend the scam site. The review sites in these cases are paid commissions for any paying customers they send to the scam site, hence their glowing "reviews".
Check out the site using a legitimate review site like McAfee SiteAdvisor.
Call the technical support number listed on the site. Can you get through at all? Since technical support is what you are really paying for, you should check it out before you buy.
Ensure that you have up-to-date anti-virus and adware scan software installed. This will not prevent you from being scammed, but it will protect you from some of the unwanted extra gifts that are often installed with the downloaded software from these scam web sites.

This article was written in August 2006. Individual web sites come and go, and the scams change over time. For current information and more advice please check www.DigitalMusicExpert.com/scams

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Entertainment Entrepreneurs - Lil' Wayne, Michael Jordan, and Kanye West

We all think of entrepreneurs as business people. But why don't we think outside the box for a second and redefine an entrepreneur. For example, Lil' Wayne is an entertainer. He has brought the world what seems to be an infinite amount of music. He has defined himself as the "best rapper alive." In essence, he has given himself a label which is a very important component in entrepreneurship. He is not your everyday musician either. He raps, he sings, he rocks, and he uses autotune. Many musicians are fads, they come and go. What Lil Wayne does is give his fans a different piece of music everyday. He rocks one day and raps the next. He gets into nearly every remix and when asked to take part in a song he usually does. And many people believe that his appearance in their song makes the song better, which seems to be true. Now that sounds very entrepreneurial.

What about Kanye West? This man brought a new look to music. All the rappers seemed to look the same before Kanye West. Kanye dresses elegantly with style. He wears polo shirts, nice shoes, sports coats, and pants that fit him. He defined a new style of shades to wear that has become immensely popular. He also has given his listeners a new brand of music. 808's and Heartbreak is incredible with all its new flavor and interesting sounds.

Michael Jordan...is an entrepreneur. Michael Jordan is one of the most talented basketball players to ever live. He won 6 NBA Championships and was MVP 5 times. He has a shoe brand named after him. He still appears in commercials, 6 years after playing in the NBA. Michael Jordan is an icon. People look up to him and want to be like him. He has marketed himself as more than a basketball player. Michael Jordan has also created a trademark for himself, which has greater defined himself. Michael Jordan has always stuck his tongue out while playing basketball. If you did not remember him for his skills, you should remember him for his tongue.

Take these three people and think about them for a second. Maybe they are more of an entrepreneur then you thought. Maybe you can create another way to find your inner entrepreneur. These stars were famous for more then their everyday jobs. They have branded themselves. They were all unique which is the beauty of entrepreneurship. Uniqueness is probably the most important part of an entrepreneurs life, especially during this economic period. Be a leader and be yourself. Michael Jordan didn't put his tongue back in his mouth when someone laughed at him for it. Lil' Wayne did not stop doing rock music after he was criticized, but instead made a whole album with rock music. Kanye West did not start wearing baggy pants and big shirts when people disagreed with his style. These entrepreneurs pursued their difference and pretty quickly, the world around them began to love them.

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All About Royalty Free Music and Its Benefits

Know the advantages of using royalty free music. Internet marketers are now all about royalty free music when it comes to promoting their business online. This is becoming more and more popular since they find a lot benefits when they use it rather than utilizing paid sound clips and music in their websites. Knowing that the copyright free music is very cost-effective then these online marketers surely would not want to miss this chance especially if they know that they will get to save a lot.

Some people also call this as the buyout music as well. Usually, the price is low and it would only require you to do a single payment in order for you to access hundreds or thousands of licensed videos or music. By the time that you already made your payment, there is no need to give another fee just to access other royalties. But there are a couple of businesses that limits the number of music that they can manufacture from the initial unit. This simply means that the copy of the music that they purchased can only be used for free for just a couple of times. Of course the number varies depending on the license agreement.

If you want to know all about royalty free music then you are probably familiar that most businesses offer the unlimited use of the availed music, sound clip or video. And even if there are now new regulations covering the copyright free music, this is still considered as one of the best options compared to the copyrighted music. Here are the other reasons why you should have these buy out music as your alternative.

• It is actually legal to get royalty free music. Therefore, you can lawfully use it for your online business without the fear of getting caught by the online enforcers who were trying to get rid of businesses using illegal materials and content such as music and clips.

• You can easily get access to the music. There are thousands of websites that offer royalty free music. And every time that you need music or clips, you simply have to log online so you can access and use it immediately.

• There is a vast range of sound clips and full music available. You can actually find music for adults, for the babies, for men and/or women, and even for those who have interests in ethnic music at the same time.

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3 Quick & Easy Steps To Playing Music by Ear

Playing by ear is the ability to play a piece of music (or, eventually, learn an instrument) by simply listening to it repeatedly. The majority of self-taught musicians began their education this way; they picked up their instrument and began playing an easy melody from a well-known song, slowly picking out the notes as they went along. And even after these musicians master their instruments or a particular song, playing by ear still plays a large role. Many pop and rock bands don't play or write their songs based on sheet music, they figure the songs out by playing by ear. It's even common among non-musicians. Ever sit down a piano and mindlessly pick out the tune to "Mary Had a Little Lamb"? What about grabbing a guitar and suddenly finding yourself playing the opening licks to "Smoke on the Water"? That's playing by ear. You're able to play part of the song just because you've heard it so often.

Since music is basically composed of 3 elements - melody, rhythm, and harmony, it is logical that there are also 3 basic steps to learning to play music by ear:

1. Charting the contour of the melody. Tunes move higher and lower - up and down - as the song progresses. Being aware of that movement is the first step. Once you mentally define the parameters of the melody, you can then begin to hone in on picking it out on your instrument. As an example, think of "Joy To The World". We've all sung it a zillion times, but have you ever noticed that the melody moves down exactly 8 steps (an octave), then gradually moves back up in increments, then repeats the down movement, etc. The entire melody is contained within those 8 notes, so you now know the parameters of the song and can begin to pick out the melody intelligently.

2. Harmonizing the melody with matching chords. The second element of music is harmony, and you can harmonize any melody just by matching the supporting chords to that melody. For example, if the melody is a "G", you can harmonize that melody by using a chord with G in it, such as the G chord (G, B, D), the C chord (C, E, G), or the Em chord (E, G, B), or the Eb chord (Eb, G, Bb) and so forth. By using your ear to guide you, you can learn to harmonize the melody of most any song using matching chords.

3. Using an appropriate rhythm that matches the feel of the song. This is usually the easiest part, since most people "feel" the beat and don't have to do any mental gymnastics to come up with an appropriate rhythm for a song. But for those of us that might be "rhythmically challenged", just by knowing that there are basically two meters available - duple meter and triple meter -- that can be combined in infinite combinations, we can give the song either a "3" feeling (like a waltz or a jazz waltz) or a "4" feeling (like swing or a march or a ballad).

Playing by ear is a valuable technique for many musicians; learning songs based solely on hearing them is a great way to understand song and chord structure. In fact, a great number of rock and pop musicians learned to play their instruments this way. Instead of picking up a book or taking lessons, they concentrated on figuring out the notes and rhythms to a song until it was mastered. Then they moved on to another song. And another. Gradually, they learned their instrument just by playing by ear -- and in the process learned how to effectively structure a song in that particular genre. Playing by ear is also beneficial in helping a musician develop his or her own style; sure, they'll at first mimic the style of the song they're imitating, but the amalgamation of the music that they're playing by ear will help them create something distinctive, something indicative of them only.

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The Search For the Perfect Stress Relief Game is Over

Instead of hating yourself simply because you are suffering from stress attacks, it is better to focus in diverting the negative thoughts into something which can be beneficial. If in case you may even find it hard to focus properly on the positive things in life, the least you can do is to divert your thoughts into those that will bring extreme joys and happiness. There are actually a lot of things you can do, one of those is playing some good stress relief games.

If you look around, you will see that there are a number of stress relief games that you can find in the online world. The good news is, most of them are given for free. Going by the various games available, you may find that it is fairly difficult to pick the best stress relief games for your needs. On the other hand, if you make it a point to follow certain principles then you might see that looking for a game to go with your preference is now fairly easy.

Here are some of the considerations when finding for the stress-buster game that you can play:

· The games which help relieve stress are something that should be played easily. Also, look for something that you can win with no trouble because they will bring about the feeling of being successful.

· In case the stress you are feeling leads to the bursts of anger, then go for those stress relief games that has the strategy similar with the principle of squeezing stress relief balls. Among those games you can try are shooting targets. There is even a good game that will ask you to hit a car using a base ball stick. You are free to virtually damage the car. By doing this kind of game, you can vent out your anger and still be grateful with the fact that no amount of damage occurs.

· It is important that you avoid those kinds of games that give a negative influence on mind. Among those are the games which are extremely violent in nature or those kinds of games which are tremendously difficult to win. This is because you will be distracted by them hence leading to more negative thoughts.

Now that you know some of the principles to look for in stress relief games, this is the right time to go searching for that perfect game you can ever see in the online world.


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What Is Hip Hop?

Hip-hop music or rap music is a popular style or genre of music in the USA. This popular music genre is made up of two components, rapping and record scratching. Rapping is also known as MCing and DJing, which is comprised of audio mixing. These two main components along with graffiti and break dancing form the four main elements of hip-hop.

Hip-hop was initiated as a cultural movement by inner-city youth, mostly Latinos and African Americans in New York City in the early seventies. This kind of music consists of a single rapper or a group of rappers who tell semi-autobiographic tales in a deeply rhythmic lyrical form making bountiful use of techniques such as assonance, rhyme, and alliteration. These rappers often relate to a fictionalized counterpart. The DJ performs instrumental tracks that are generally referred to as a "beat." The producer or one or more instrumentalists create this beat, which accompanies the rapper. The beats for hip-hop music are normally created using a sample or percussion break of another song. They may be funk, rock, or jazz recordings. There are other sounds as well that are often synthesized, performed or sampled. At times, to showcase the skills of a producer or a DJ, the track could be instrumental.

This genre of music originated in New York when DJs began separating the percussion break from disco and funk songs. The role of the MC was to introduce the DJ and the music in order to keep the audience keyed up and eager. MCs started out by speaking (rapping) between songs, greeting the audience with funny quotes, and moved to articulating anecdotes and giving exhortations to dances. This practice eventually became very stylish and came to be known as rapping. In the late seventies, it had become commercially popular and started to enter the mainstream of American music. In the beginning of the 21st century, hip-hop had become a staple of popular music charts and it was performed in different styles around the world.

Artists like Usher, Marshall Matthers (popularly known as Eminem), 50 cent, and Missy Elliot are very well known around the world. Hip-hop music is sold all around the world and enjoyed by many people. Hip-hop music can also be bought or heard online.

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Easy Music Creation With Music Maker Loops

There's a certain editor for music that uses loops, it's called Music Maker.The software comes with sample loops that you can use to create your tracks. Music Maker loops are features that make it extremely easy for you to start your song writing career just by using this software.

Before innovations like Music Maker loops were invented, we were all quite clueless about how to start creating songs. With this function, you can easily come up with great songs without spending a lot of time thinking of a good loop!

Here's what you can do as soon as you get the software: create a sequence and add new sounds, then build your first arrangement into a loop or a series of loops. You can imagine just how many sounds and beats you can pump out in a jiffy just by using this program.

A MIDI keyboard is the next thing to purchase when you have your Music Maker because it will let you create more sounds!

It's amazing how technology has helped us all create these loops. The Music Maker loops are extremely useful if you're looking for a quick way to make good music.

One way to begin using the Music Maker is to simply experiment with all the loops one after the other.

When choosing from the Sound Pools palette you don't need to concern yourself with problems such as pitch or tempo, which might be really daunting if you are new to loop creation. The Music Maker loops are made in a way that they are automatically synchronized almost all the time.

When you get the hang of it, it's time to challenge yourself by turning off the easy mode and starting from scratch. It might take some time to get a handle on the manual controls and synthesizer features, but it's well worth your time as it will make your music so much better in the long run.

It takes most of us, the seasoned and the beginners, quite some time when playing with a new program, to create anything worth exporting. But hang in there!

You can edit the sound easily just by pushing this or that button. Sharing your music with the world is also a breeze because of the export functions in the Music Maker.

Convert your music into MP3 or upload the tracks straight into a video sharing website like YouTube.

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2Pac-One Nation Album Review

Global rating of the product: 4.5 stars

Scratches, catchy drum beats, crazy instrumentals introduce Let's Fight. Tupac appears like a walking nightmare, ready to oppress with his offensive lyrics and his unbeatable flow. Open your ears and let the master teach you about thug life.

Tattoo Tearz is built on soft guitar and violin sounds combined with an harmonic melody. Instrumentals are intelligently worked on and totally match with the unsafe atmosphere described by thug poet Tupac in the inimitable and genuine style of his. This song is truly a must hear.

Style biters are probably a rapper s worst nightmare. Pale imitators and untalented people are often attracted towards genuine talents with a true style. My Own Style is a rhythmic and lyrical Makavelli-branded song that features Greg Nice. Don t sleep on this one!

Secrets Of War will surprise the listener, because its slow start will gradually lead him into a highly euphoric atmosphere. Keyboard sounds and swinging drum beats create a re-creative chill out ambiance that will refresh your ears. I loved the song.

Where Ever U R has a beautiful funky background. It beautifully enlightens Tupac's lyrical ability and his stormy flow delivery.
Big Daddy Kane s participation also makes the song highly enjoyable.

The Struggle Continues is based on very rhythmic drum beats that will remind many of you of typical African rhythms.

It explains black men's rage and survival strategy in the ghetto.

White persons with an open ear will understand the actual meaning of Black pain.

Brothaz At Arms is softly built on saxophone sounds. The streets are in a state of war. Follow black folks fight in a merciless ghetto world. The softness of the saxophone contrasts with the harshness of the descriptions.

World Wide Dime Piece disappointed me a little bit. The vocals rather create an impression of disorder and the filthy details were, as far as I am concerned, unnecessary. I guess there was a little bit of Snoop influence in it.

Military Minds will bring you back to war. Not my favorite, though. Again, I found the vocals a little bit disappointing.

Globally, the One Nation album is definitely worth a look. It fully enlightens Tupac's talent and spirit. My advice: cop the album and give it a deep listen. It will teach you a lot about the African American communities sorrows and fights in America.

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