Music Of Spain

Flamenco music is a form of authentic southern Spanish art form. It can be explained well if divided in three forms -- firstly Cane the song, Baile the dance and Guitarra the guitar. Spanish music has been influenced by a number of cultures and that is due to the fact that many diverse cultured countries dominated Spain. Gypsies are synonymous to Spain and can definitely be called the Fathers of Spanish music. The legendary Tartessos, the songs and dances of Andalusia, and the Muslims were all factors which greatly influenced the Spanish music.

It is very difficult to assess in what way and context the music of Spain was influenced but it surely gave rise to a number of different styles and manners which was quite different from the rest of Europe.

The Romans, Greeks and the Moors greatly affected the composition of music in the early period. The music of the Christian Church in Spain is known as Mozarabic chant. Arabic music influenced Spanish instrumental music during the early Renaissance. During the early 16th century, polyphonic style of music originated in Spain. It was kind of related to the style of Franco-Flemish composer. Artists like Antonio Soler got inspired by Italian models, this was during the arrival of Classicism. The famous Madrid Court appointed the famous and renowned Italian composers such as Domenico Scarlatti and Luigi Boccherini.

Many music festivals were organized and these actually originated to boost local tourism. The local tourists have great interest in music and many measures were taken to make music more famous and popular. Rock and roll and pop are famous kinds of music and many famous pop stars in Spain are females. Ye Ye is another form of music which is a fusion of American rock and British beat music. Some of Spain's famous singers are Miguel Bose, Rosa Lopez, Enrique Iglesais and many more. Some of the famous pop groups are Los Bravos, Ketama, Greta, Pereza, and Falling Kids.

Regional folk music with folk based singers and song writers are also a part of Spain's music. As in the Basque Country, Cantabrian folk music features intricate arch and stick dances but tabor pipes did not play such a predominant role. Aside with a rich tradition for rebec, a popular instrumental setting encompasses drum and alto clarinet players. All over Castile there is also a strong tradition of dance music for dulzaina and rondalla groups. Popular rhythms include 5/8 charrada and circle dances, joya and habas verdes.
