How to write 16 bars and a freestyle rap song Watch Your Song Go to Top

In this article we will discuss 16 measures of a freestyle rap song. When you write a 16 bar, are some ways that you go to write it.

Option # 1 - Write a stroke while you listen

This is what I recommend to be the best option. Most of the jokes that make you listen to or follow exactly or very similar patterns and drumbeats. If you write the verse or verses, while the rhythm, they can easily tune with the variousBeats you are listening.

Another reason that I recommend this option is that if you listen and write at the same time, you can slow down the workflow, accelerate, or to regulate the flow. You could play more with the lines. You can abbreviate a word or phrase and stretch them across multiple sites, or to do it how you want the sound.

Option # 2 - Letter, without missing a beat

A lot of times, you get a streak of creativity, whereYou are not placed close you can hear a shot. In a situation like this, just to write and keep writing.

I like listening to several different rhythms. If I find one I like, I hear over and over again until I feel it in my head. This exercise is virtually in real time, if you're in a place where you are grazing and creativity are not in a place you can get on a beat again. As happens to me on what to turn in my head. Then I can write, listena rhythm that I know and I know.

There are two options to help you, you will write a 16 bar freestyle rap song. Use these options as you write your songs.

Freestyle Rap Song for your success,
Mike Low

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