Best Way to Learn Guitar - With All the Ways Available, What is the Best Way to Learn Guitar?

There are many ways to learn the guitar. Some prefer a one on one instructor, some like the online methods and others will prefer self teaching. So with all these possibilities, what actually is the best way to learn guitar? Let's look at them and see what we find.

Personal instruction

This method is where you will find a teacher and sit with them, usually twice a week. The instructor will assess your ability and move you along as he/she sees fit. This tends to be a little costly and is the biggest deterrent for people to take up the instrument. The cost is in the area of $20 per hour; this can be one 60 minute session or two 30 minute sessions each week.

Each week, you will learn the curriculum that the teacher uses. As you progress, the lessons get harder, obviously. So what happens if you don't have that technique or lesson perfected by the next week? You guessed it; you go over it again and PAY for it again. Plus you will probably be embarrassed at your stumbling at the beginning. This is the drawback to a personal instructor and is not viewed as the best way to learn guitar by some folks.

Self teaching

With this type of guitar lesson, you would go to the music store and buy a lesson book or song book. Take it home and try to make sense out of it. Problem is that you may get some of the material, but it is inevitable that something isn't going to make sense to you. This is a major stumbling block with self teaching.

Trying to learn from a book or DVD just is not the best way to learn guitar, plainly put. You will need some sort of guidance along the line somewhere. You simply will not get that as a self taught guitarist. Oh, you may learn songs from tab, but will you be able to play by ear or keep up with a band?

Online learning

In my humble opinion, this is absolutely the best way to learn guitar and here's why. First, you are shown the material in print and given the instruction on how it is done. Then you can listen to an audio of the material to actually HEAR how SHOULD sound when played properly. On top of that, you also get a video portion that SHOWS how it is played by an experienced player.

This multimedia approach is extremely effective and worthwhile. Not quite a personal instructor; not quite self taught, either. Actually is a nice combo that has all the benefits of both with added effectiveness.

If you have trouble with a particular lesson, you can watch and listen to it over and over again until you have it right before moving on. The most important part is you don't have he embarrassment of stumbling in front of someone else or paying for the same lesson repeatedly. You pay one price, one time and the rest is in your hands.

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