Finding a Song Title Or Artist

Have you ever heard a song on the radio, on TV, or on a movie and can't get it out of your head? All you know is, "the words go something like this...." If you have the lyrics stuck in your head but have no idea who the band is or what the song title is, there are some great lyric search engines on the Internet that can help you.

While there are a lot of search engines to choose from, only a few have large databases. I put a few search sites to the test, and here is what I found. The following search engines found my test subject, which is a popular, fairly new song by Coldplay.

1. Endless Lyrics. This free Web site allows you to find songs using their free lyric search. You can search for thousands of songs by artist, song title, or song lyrics. Find all genres of music, from thousands of artists and albums.

2. Who Ditty. Here you can search for a tune by lyrics, tags, artist, or even where you heard it. This site is a fabulous choice if you need to find a tune you heard somewhere specific, such as a television commercial or show, a movie, and so on. Once you find the song, you can also download it from the site.

3. Get Lyrical. This site has a large database and lets you search by lyrics, artist, song, or album. Note: Get Lyrical finds an exact match for your lyrics whereas Search Lyrics searches for those words anywhere in a particular song and will return a result even if the words are all not together.

4. Search Lyrics. One of the benefits of this site is that it also has some non-English lyrics. You can translate any of the English lyrics to another language on the lyric pages. Also keep in mind the note from site number three above.

5. LyricsFly. This site also found my test song, but you have to be sure to click on "lyrics" first and then perform a search to get the best results.

The other sites I tried came up with no results, which was surprising since I was looking for a new song from a popular band. Good luck with your search!

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