Ballet Training

I wanted to take the time to discuss a little with you about ballet training. Many people out there don't really understand what it takes to be great at this. A lot of parents see their daughters (or sons) and think they'll be marvelous, but in reality it takes a lot of work and a lot of dedication. Very few people will actually become extremely good at this and I think that shows you have to have a work ethic that beats out most other things. I like to think of ballet like an art. Something that takes skill, but your own personal touch. I'm going to show you the proper rules of ballet training, so you know how to do things correctly.

You have to be a physical specimen to be in ballet. You have to be strong and powerful, yet flexible and graceful. It's hard to get these two things in balance because they're so contrary. I think it is essential to have balance with all your training. You're going to have to spend time working on ballet, but the rest of your time working on becoming more flexible and working with weights to get much more strong.

As for ballet training, you can't just stop with your teacher. You don't go to the studio and work for an hour, go home and that's it. You have to go home and put some more hours of work into learning everything. Get the mirror out and practice in front of it. Watch yourself and make sure you're making the right steps and moves.

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