2000 - 2009 The decade of hate

Happy New Year Welcome to 2010
How many people think that the decade just past, I also like to forget it ever happened. It 'started with Y2K and ended yesterday. I do not go over and sit up the entire list of events that have occurred locally and globally. Why bother? Are you old enough to read this comment, as you already know what the last ten years were similar. I, for better or worse, those of five decades1960th I can honestly say that without doubt the last ten years have been the worst of all, for all of us. Remember the people in the early '70s, who knew ate cereal, drove the bike and could not understand why anyone would bring a child into a world like this? They laugh almost as much as they cry in those days.
I often shake his head in amazement when I get to someone who is intimately aware of the plot by the U.S. government wrapped, or someone who does not speakwaiting for a little over 2012 "just in case". Yes, I turn to what people on some kind of truth, and then seek stability in their lives amazed.
But I'm not surprised. Not really. You only need a 360 is almost everywhere these days feel that things are "falling apart" to do.
I will not go into the "end times" talk here either. I do not want to encourage everyone. But I hope that the majority will of the peopleStart these phenomena in people and cultures as a symptom of everything we've done so far to see wrong.
I do not claim any of the answers, but here an observation.
We observe. We are mostly in the developed world, a world of observers. We are all wired so all our information, we have become repositories of information. Our new life is only allowed to "flow" nothing comes out. The information is displayed, distributed,disseminated and packaged product, and then served for our daily consumption. Cell phones, pagers, black and blueberries, blue tooth headset, 24-hour news channel, news and information flowed easily through any number of devices of the person at the time. We are a continent observers. The whole world and all its aspects and problems were recorded and mixed in some way with what we used to call all the "entertainment". The problems and challenges for all of us on a daily basiswas the ultimate reality show.
And we observe. Between advertising, major purchases like cars and houses and boats and all we can to feel better about our "underground" services. How much stuff we have in each of our houses important than what you actually do with our lives. The world and all its problems is the final season of "Lost." We all rush to work (the work is their function, which allows us to take, whathappened out there, as we are "more with our next paycheck compared to the poor people in Sudan.")
All said and recognizable, back to work.
Since this is a happy time for reflection and a time, how well I can only hope that we all start together, to see that, in order to improve things for everyone, even then, each of integrated circuits and have become the victim a bit 'for the good of all. In what form the so-calledVictims take?
Weird here ..... I know that by nature, what it takes to start making some of the most fundamental questions that all the address data, but how can I put up this show in greater reality. Here's how to make it sound easy. If some of the people on this planet, absolutely nothing, and a few other people have more, then we must give half of everything we have for those who have nothing, until we all have something.
Simplicity is the nail that killedProgress. These are simple answers like this that has by its nature at the end as the most complicated in practice. The whole nature of our society is based on the pursuit of individual wealth and status for themselves first rather than the welfare of others all the best. Our society is competition. A race to leave more things behind his cat. We live in a world where this happens all the time. Somewhere on this continent at this time there is a very well-fed cat that someone will payspoil and support until it passes. Even in death we are entitled to deny other benefits that we achieved in our lives.
As you read this comment, I have a feeling that it was not the original one. The fact that you do not hear from me from time to time by other writers and comments. This not only we prefer to forget the past ten years, but we would like to take the next for a bit ', if we could do the same. It 's only January 1, 2010 and I have alreadyKnow that, at least in the foreseeable future, the past decade will bleed into the next offer respite from the daily deluge of bad news from every corner of the world. I offer no answer. I have no solutions to the problems we all face. I brook no suggestion that things are improving. In my experience, things always tend, much worse. 'S when things just a bit' that we delude ourselves to think that things are "much better". They are not. L 'Ability to tackle the problems we face in overcoming the will to persist as a kind of misfortune and can test in the near future. Or not. In my 50 years here on earth, as I noticed that a little to calm the waters' as soon as the fear to the point where people buy more things seem to go. Feeling good about the world, to feel good about themselves, feel good about themselves, that more and Jeep Grand Cherokee!
The year 2010 has arrived. I believe thatwhen it ends a more peaceful mind in the world take precedence. I hate you, probably a little 'less than last year. That we understand a bit 'more. One year, we can see our differences as our things together. My resolution this year is little humiliation stop, where I see them. I will take my time, and proactive measures to improve and try to recognize and remember that all problems can be almost back to a single individual. Open a door forsomeone or keep them open. Thanks to the driver before getting off the bus. Do not ask yourself, "I help that person." The question is the answer in this case. Help someone. Do something you do not benefit in any way shape or form. Try to feel, not too good about yourself if you want to do this, do something right. You should do first. Do not expect anything good for you for others. Just do it wants to be rewarded. Be kind and good was never to be a"Option" for you to choose in case of need or clothes. We work on a problem that seems always at the center of every other problem on the planet. We work together on their own.
Happy New Year and the desire for peace throughout the world.

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